Metadata files used by the NetKAN/CKAN indexer for KSP
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Kerbal Konstructs and Custom Pre Launch Checks repository links #8698

Closed 4x4cheesecake closed 2 years ago

4x4cheesecake commented 2 years ago


Have you made any manual changes to your GameData folder (i.e., not via CKAN)? /


Applies to "Kerbal-Konstructs" and "Custom Pre Launch Checks": The CKAN client shows links to the github repositories of "GER-Space" (https://github.com/GER-Space/), but the files are actually received from the "KSP-RO" repositories (https://github.com/KSP-RO/). This leads to some confusing since the fork available from KSP-RO got a version bump so CKAN reports an available update but the linked github version of GER-Space doesn't contain any changes.

4x4cheesecake commented 2 years ago

I just realized that Kerbal Konstructs (which includes Custom Pre Launch Checks) is now maintained by the KSP-RO team and actually got his own forum thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/204210-ksp-18-kerbal-konstructs-continued/

Maybe it should get his own, separate entry in CKAN?

DasSkelett commented 2 years ago

The CKAN-meta files are correct, they link to the new repositories and forum thread:

Also see the discussion of https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/8666.

And the client shows the correct URLs: image

If it shows outdated information for you, refresh the repositories.

4x4cheesecake commented 2 years ago

Indeed, I get the correct links now.... sorry for the confusion.