Fully programmable autopilot mod for KSP. Originally By Nivekk
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[Suggestion] Handheld terminals! #1767

Open ozin370 opened 8 years ago

ozin370 commented 8 years ago

Now that we have intervessel communication I think it would be great to give Kerbals in EVA their own terminals. Possibly integrated with KIS?


GER-Space commented 8 years ago

I like the Idea. It could be possible to add the kOS-processor partmodule to a KIS part with a ModuleManager patch. My hopes are low, that it might be that easy, because kOS asumes in some functions, that it is installed on a vessel and I have no Idea if a Kerbal is enough vessel-like for kOS to boot up.

Things that will never work:

Things that might work:

Things need new Code (via addon or directly within kOS):

ozin370 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, obviously some features would need to be disabled. I was mostly thinking of the benefits of being able to use the new communication features with an EVA'd kerbal (with a fairly limited range).

Actually steering the kerbal would be a bit strange to me, wouldn't exactly fit with what kOS has been doing so far. Same goes with KIS/KAS interaction. That is of course unless the devs decide to go down the android/robot route.. Which would be pretty sweet, and could be some last tier unlock in career mode.

GER-Space commented 8 years ago

OK, here we go:


The temporary assets are from wildbluetools.

GER-Space commented 8 years ago

After watching a lot of people playing "Pokemon Go" : Controlling Kerbals with a smartphone/tablet doesn't feel so strange anymore. :-)

GER-Space commented 8 years ago

I got the permission from Angel-125 for using his kPad model.

For building Kerbal-Robots: Kerbals cannot be modified through a ModuleManager patch. This requires some coding, but it will turn (all kerbals)/ (one gender) into Stepford Kerbals.

Dunbaratu commented 8 years ago

So let's see. A Kerbal is a vessel composed of one "part", so it should hypothetically be possible to add kOS as a PartModule to the Kerbal "part", but we'd need some config options to put in the "part.cfg"-like settings to disable things that kOS modules normally get to do by default (like lock steering, etc.)

GER-Space commented 8 years ago

When I tested the kOS-Pad. (this makes the Kerbal a vessel with two parts) lock steering simply does nothing, but it didn't produce any error. Performing and transmitting science experiments worked.

ozin370 commented 8 years ago

Oh wow, didn't check this thread until now, didn't dare hope for an implementation of this (at least not this soon), I'll try this out immediately.

ozin370 commented 8 years ago

Hmm, it seems like user input is really limited, the action groups don't work. Otherwise this is pretty awesome.

GER-Space commented 8 years ago

@ozin370 Perhaps you can use the AGX Addon?

I made a plugin, so the pad is automatic equipted, when the kerbal is selected (by going eva or by [] ).

In the next few days I hope I can give them a bit more things to to.

ozin370 commented 8 years ago

The only user inputs while running a script that I have seen working are the user interface buttons found on the top of the window (lights,gear,brakes,abort), no keyboard inputs work sadly. Eventually I would really like to see a possibly customizable kOS panel with buttons and toggles that can be clicked on with the mouse.

GER-Space commented 8 years ago

@Dunbaratu I'm already able to set the default bootfilename on initialization of the eva-addon, so it should be possible to change the other parameters. (diskspace, ECperInstruction etc..)

After I made the Kerbal move I'll go on and try to create a kOSBot, which is integrated to the techtree. Currently working: