Fully programmable autopilot mod for KSP. Originally By Nivekk
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text positioned incorrectly in the terminal #2483

Open meltingSnowdrift opened 5 years ago

meltingSnowdrift commented 5 years ago

This issue seems to have existed for many past versions; it is not new.

In some KSP sessions, all text in the terminal is displaced 4 characters to the right of its normal position. The cursor appears at the correct position, but at an incorrect position relative to the text due to the text itself being in the wrong place.

The image below shows what it looks like when I type "1234567890" into the terminal.


Dunbaratu commented 5 years ago

Can you give a comprehensive list of every other mod you are using? I have seen this before reported by others and could never reproduce it myself. I suspect something is altering the default GUI style and we're somehow inheriting that change but I have no idea which mod it is.

meltingSnowdrift commented 5 years ago

This is a screenshot of my CKAN installed mod list. Although I also have some custom experiments and customizations of installed mods, none of these have the potential to be related to this issue. I can also somehow send my entire gamedata directory if needed, but a zipped version of it was too large to attach.


Dunbaratu commented 5 years ago

Thank you. When I get a chance I'll compare this list to the one other person who reported the problem months ago (there should be an old issue here in github about it if you want to search) and see if I can find any commonality between your mod lists.

chrbkr commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. Playing on Linux. I had the problem before, then after uninstalling all mods and reinstalling only some of them it worked for a while. Today it reappeared. Latest changed mods were RealTimeClock2, KerbalJointReinforcement, B9PartSwitch, RCSBuildAid and [x] Science! I did NOT install any of these today, though. And it doesn't seem to happen in every game session.

All folders in GameData:

000_ClickThroughBlocker/ 000_FilterExtensions/ 000_FilterExtensions_Configs/ 000_TexturesUnlimited/ 000_Toolbar/ 001_ToolbarControl/ AirlockPlus/ AnimatedAttachment/ AnimatedDecouplers/ B9PartSwitch/ Benjee10_sharedAssets/ BetterBurnTime/ BobsPanicBox/ BonVoyage/ CactEye/ Chatterer/ CommunityCategoryKit/ CommunityResourcePack/ CommunityTechTree/ CommunityTraitIcons/ ContractConfigurator/ ContractPacks/ CrewLight/ CustomBarnKit/ CustomPreLaunchChecks/ DistantObject/ DMagicOrbitalScience/ DMagicScienceAnimate/ DMagicUtilities/ EasyVesselSwitch/ EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/ Extras/ FerramAerospaceResearch/ Firespitter/ FMRS/ Fuji/ HabTech2/ HideEmptyTechTreeNodes/ HullCameraVDS/ JanitorsCloset/ JNSQ/ JSI/ KAS/ kdufferskorp/ KerbalChangeLog1-1-5/ KerbalEngineer/ Kerbalism/ KerbalismConfig/ KerbalJointReinforcement/ KerbalKonstructs/ KerbalOccupationColors/ KerbalReusabilityExpansion/ KerbetrotterLtd/ KIS/ Kopernicus/ kOS/ Kronometer/ KSCExtended/ KSP-AVC/ LonesomeRobots/ MandatoryRCS/ MandatoryRCSPartPack/ MechJebForAll/ ModularFlightIntegrator/ ModularLaunchPads/ NASA_CountDown/ NavyFish/ NearFutureConstruction/ NearFutureProps/ NearFutureSolar/ OSSNTR/ Pebkac/ PlanetaryBaseInc/ PlanetaryDomes/ PlanetShine/ PortraitStats/ PreciseManeuver/ ProbesBeforeCrew/ RationalResources/ RationalResourcesParts/ RCSBuildAid/ RealTimeClock2/ RecoveryController/ ReentryParticleEffect/ REPOSoftTech/ ReStock/ ReStockPlus/ RetractableLiftingSurface/ RocketEmporium/ SCANsat/ scatterer/ ScienceParamModifier/ SmokeScreen/ SpaceTuxLibrary/ Squad/ SquadExpansion/ StageRecovery/ StationKeeping/ StationPartsExpansionRedux/ Strategia/ TarsierSpaceTech/ ThroughTheEyes/ TrackingLights/ TrackingStationEvolved/ Trajectories/ TriggerTech/ TundraExploration/ TundraSpaceCenter/ TundraTechnologies/ TweakScale/ UniversalStorage2/ VaporVent/ WaypointManager/ WheelSounds/ Workshop/ '[x] Science!/' ZeroMiniAVC/

tarunm2408 commented 2 months ago

Hello, it's been 5 years. I am currently encountering this issue and have not found a way to fix this. Did you fix this @meltingSnowdrift?