Fully programmable autopilot mod for KSP. Originally By Nivekk
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Matrix Operation Support #916

Open krisdestruction opened 9 years ago

krisdestruction commented 9 years ago

I am looking to create a state space feedback controller to outperform standard PID controllers in stability (the wobbling) and possibly do optimal control using LQR. It's great that you guys document the Ziegler-Nichols method for tuning, but I'm looking for something more advanced.

This state space model would account for the moment of inertia of the spacecraft as well as any torque controls from SAS modules. It'd be much easier if matrix multiplication was built into KOS. I am looking mainly for support on matrix storage/access/multiplication. Calculating the matrix inverse would be nice, but not needed for what I'm trying to do.

erendrake commented 9 years ago

i was talking about doing this some time ago and I was told it would be fine to have people use a multi-dimentional list. Does that not meet your need?

krisdestruction commented 9 years ago

@erendrake While it technically does, I'm hoping to save lines of code or not write my own library to do so ^.^ It'd be nice if it could be built into kOS haha but if this isn't what's on your roadmap, I'll take what I can get!