KSP-RO / ProceduralParts

A continuation of StretchySRBs, which is a continuation of StretchyTanks
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New part request: Procedural LFO Engine. #143

Closed enceos closed 4 years ago

enceos commented 9 years ago

Procedural Parts already have a procedural SRB which has a tweakable thrust, which then changes the heat generation and nozzle size + nozzle type for atmosphere and vacuum. If we had a procedural LFO engine with the same thrust tweakables it would open so many new possibilities. I think it should have an ISP curve of LV-T45 for atmospheric and an ISP of RE-L10 for vacuum

futrtrubl commented 9 years ago

It may happen, but from the PP forum post;

Features That Are Not Planned Shapes with 'holes' in them and concave shapes - including toroids. Procedural wings, procedural fairings - there's good mods for these already. Procedural engines - May happen one day, but not a priority.

enceos commented 9 years ago

If modelling is a stopper here, I can help. I'll try to reverse engineer the SRB to see how it's done. Would greatly appreciate a unity project file. :grin:

ItMustBeACamel commented 9 years ago

An SRB basically looks like a tank with a nozzle attached to its bottom. It is pretty easy to create something like that procedurally. Liquid engines however are a completely different thing. They are much more complex in shape and an engine designed for one particular purpose looks very different from an Engine designed for another purpose. If you have a concept in mind on how it could be done, please elaborate.

futrtrubl commented 9 years ago

Sounds like you would have to have models of the major parts, probably chamber/base, throat, bell and gimballing. Then multiple models for each major part depending on the possible engine types. Most importantly have them animate correctly on gimballing.

enceos commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the checklist, futrtrubl. I'll make the model on these weekends. What type is preferable for you, 3d model file, unity project or a compiled .mu model? I'm sure I will make a mistake or two in unity because of the specifics of PP modelling.

ItMustBeACamel commented 9 years ago

I'm still not sure how it would be going to work. :D Also, if its all about stacking different models together, thats not really procedural. Sounds more like an idea for a separate mod to me.

enceos commented 9 years ago

I'm a fan of engine clusters. Engine base rings always get in the way, especially when making shuttle engines or rounded fuel tanks. So I would make the engine base small and not too dependent on tank radius. Plus two nozzle types for atmospheric and vacuum as it's done in PSRB.

JoelleEmmily commented 8 years ago

If I might make a suggestion on how to implement a PP LFO.

First, a sizeable exhaust bell much like the one on the booster. Second, fuel type selector. Third, a selectable combustion chamber, one which likely changes the engine's service housing size depending on the chamber specifics. Fourth, a pump size selector, or mixture ratio selector, again, maybe changing the service housing size. Fifth, gambling, probably much harder to model while maintaining dynamic sizing, but might be as simple as sticking a ball joint or changing the shape of the bell?

Maybe also have option for things like fuel pre-warmers or the like.