Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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[IMPROVEMENT] Leader Renown Levels #1951

Open zephyrspace opened 2 years ago

zephyrspace commented 2 years ago

While the current system of percentage based bonuses scales well enough through the early game it might be an idea to have leaders "level up" based on the amount of reputation/confidence gained (if you want to reward the optional contracts more) or completed programs (if you want a simpler system that delivers predictable power spikes).

So for example:

Sergei Korolev
+10% Rep gained from contracts
- 10% Funds reduction in salary costs
- 5% Funds reduction in program funding

is the current effect of Administrator Sergei Korolev, Under the new system it'd be:

Sergei Korolev (lv 1/rank 1/early)
+10/15/20% Rep gained from contracts
- 10% Funds reduction in salary costs
- 15/10/5% Funds reduction in program funding
Level Up Requirements:
100/1000/10000 reputation accumulated

To simulate how Korolev would get better at playing politics as things progressed (probably too gamey but it is a game). In this system it'd be level ups based on milestones, so this would be total reputation accumulated instead of having to spend the reputation to level up the leader (though having to spend resources could also lead to interesting gameplay choices, like do I max out a particular leader or spread the levels around)

Another motivator would be the ability to add non-percentage based bonuses to leaders and have them scale as players progress through the game. e.g.

Milton Rosen
+15% integration speed to launch complexes under 100/200/500 engineers
-5/+0/+5% to engine reliability (good luck with the UI on this one)
+5/0/-5% to program funds (to sim the focus going to explorer from vanguard)
Level Up Requirements:
100/200/500 reputation

Another interesting trait that could scale with level is "frugality: vessels with build costs under 500/1000/1500 funds get +/5/10/15% integration speed"

NathanKell commented 2 years ago

So far instead we're going with a progression where as you do more milestones you unlock more and better leaders. So making old leaders better kinda defeats the purpose.