Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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Can the VAB "queue" things instead of making you leave the VAB for time to pass? #2196

Open Dunbaratu opened 1 year ago

Dunbaratu commented 1 year ago

This is proposing to implement some similar schedule-ahead-of-time logic to the various VAB building requirements (LC not good enough, LC still recovering from a recent launch, etc) as is done with R&D tech nodes. To explain what I mean, I want to draw an analogy with the R&D building

In R&D, Let's say tech node A is a prerequisite for tech node B.

You 'buy' tech node A with science points, which puts it in the research queue.

Now you want to buy' tech node B,. even though its prerequisite, node A, is still waiting in the queue and you don't have it yet.

The R&D center lets you do it, and has KCT enforce a rule that if you try to change the research sort order to put tench node B before tech node A, it won't let you.

What I am describing is to try to do some similar logic to these things you can request from the VAB, to reduce how much the player has to leave the VAB just so time can pass a couple of days, then re-enter the VAB again.

Opportunities for similar VAB queuing:

I suspect the first one is easier to do than the second one. If it's possible to do one but not the other, that would still be nice.

Clayell commented 6 months ago

When Requesting an LC upgrade or refurbishment - Instead of denying the request when there has been a recent launch requiring the LC to spend time reconditioning, put it in a queue to occur just after that reconditioning.

Might be an issue when downgrading LCs, there should be a check to make sure that the modified LC can actually launch the queued rocket. Assuming that's checked, this totally make sense and I support it! (so much time wasted switching scenes)

siimav commented 1 month ago

Pad reconditioning no longer blocks LC edits since #2391