Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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RP-0 goal statement #3

Open pjf opened 9 years ago

pjf commented 9 years ago

After making a comment on the RP-0 IRC channel about goals, I've realised that I have an idea of what I'd like to see:

RP-0 is a consistent, minimal requirements base career in the Realism Overhaul universe onto which players can add feature modules as they wish.

This means if someone just wants to download and play with RP-0, they can. It's easy for people to get started.

But it also means that if people want to add extra features (colonisation with MKS/OKS, resource exploration with Karbonite/Kethane, economy adjustments with Kerbal Construction Time, etc) then that's possible.

In many cases, we can use ModuleManager to detect what's installed and have it just work. If someone installs MKS or a part pack, then that should have placement in the tech tree and other tweaks as required. But it also means we may have additional feature modules designed specifically for RP-0, such as difficulty (easier/harder), economy changes (such as parts getting cheaper more often you build them), part reduction (I like to hide all the fairings if I have procedural fairings installed), or otherwise. These additional features might be additional downloads, but we provide the base to make them happen.

Of course, it's my hope that players will install RealismOverhaul and RP-0 using the CKAN, as this reduces the install down to ticking a box and hitting "go". Consequently, it will be easy to provide players with a set of recommended and suggested feature packs on install. That makes for a wonderfully customisable game.

I'm mentioning this now because I'd love for third-party extensibility to be one of our goals, as I believe that will greatly increase the robustness and playability of the game.

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

I entirely support this. I think the goal should be both extensibility and also, as we've discussed, "install no part packs, have working RP0 install."

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

Also, to clarify and expand: I think that we should focus on getting something playable without all the extra mods' support. This doesn't mean we shouldn't design for extensibility, indeed we should, but that it's much more important to get to a minimum viable playthrough (repurposing the P) before expending real time and energy on extra support. That means, for instance, costing stock parts before mod parts, reorganizing stock nodes rather than the rest of the CTT, etc.

pjf commented 9 years ago


I absolutely agree with what @NathanKell just said.

Note that I'm throwing in a bunch of "we should support X" tickets not because I want them to be prioritised by the core team, but because having them increases the chances of volunteers who look over the boards saying "I want that too", and then us possibly getting them to do the support. :)

Using tools like waffle.io make it extremely easily to prioritise and filter issues, so I'm not afraid of us having too many at all. (And I'm totally happy to do waffle integration if you like.)