Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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Hard-coded contracts should be replaced with Contract Configurator #65

Closed cherrydev closed 9 years ago

cherrydev commented 9 years ago

I've already begun this work, since I'm feeling like the biggest gap in RP-0 as being a career component is the lack of realistic contracts. The only additional contract types that RP-0 currently adds is the sounding missions and a person-in-orbit mission, both of which are trivial to implement using configurable contracts. Benefits of using Contract Configurator instead of coded contracts include:

I've already written config files that could replace the two built-in contract types, but I'm even more interested in hearing some ideas for some contracts that could be used as proofs-of-concept for the idea of using Contract Configurator.

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

This sounds great. That's exactly what I'd love to see Contract Configurator used for, and why I was so enthused when it was first posted. We will still need a plugin to disable the bad stock contracts, and a plugin to fix the inclination of FinePrint contracts, but otherwise woohoo for Contract Configurator! And woohoo for you taking this on! :)


Hopefully that should give you a place to start. :) You can also check out BARIS (free) and its remake Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager (not so free) for mission ideas.

BevoLJ commented 9 years ago

I can't begin to express how excited I am about this. Wahooo \o/

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

@cherrydev any news on this? :)

jrossignol commented 9 years ago

Totally missed that you guys referenced https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/issues/63 from over here (as it still hasn't been implemented since it hasn't fallen in line with my plans for contract packs, which are the current driver for development). I'll make sure that one gets included in the next milestone (0.7.0).

If there's anything you guys feels is missing that you need, just raise an issue so I can prioritize those items. :+1:

jwvanderbeck commented 9 years ago

The thing really hurting RP-0 right now is early game contracts. You essentially have just the sounding rockets at Start, then your next major milestone is bunches of almost impossible orbital contracts.

We need something in between. I'd like to see some sub orbital contracts, and then LEO ones that have inclinations AND eccentricities you can actually do in the early tech tree. You need to be a real wiz to pull off the nearly circular orbits the game wants. We need contracts with eccentricities like 0.3 or so I think. Need to check the math on that, @NathanKell any thoughts on numbers?

On a side note @jrossignol Ikeep meaning to look into how to work with ContactConfigurator with TestFlight which will allow for a lot of the hardware testing that we want to do in RP-0. I have an issue for it here: https://github.com/jwvanderbeck/TestFlight/issues/10

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

Eccentricity of 0.3 is quite extreme (Explorer I's 358x2550 is only 0.14), but yes, early orbits should allow a certain degree of eccentricity, and should allow pretty much any inclination (or should require a high one for Earth-science missions, to get coverage of most of the planet). In particular, we need to care about:

  1. SMA (that determines lifetime in orbit)
  2. Inclination (that determines how much of the earth the orbit "sees")
  3. Eccentricity (much beyond 0.2 and you get too much "hang time" at apogee).
jrossignol commented 9 years ago

The new CollectScience parameter is done development and will be released with Contract Configurator 0.7.0. It should be released within the next week.

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

Actually doing this stuff finally.