Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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[Suggestion] Range safety azimuth restrictions #742

Open abortz opened 7 years ago

abortz commented 7 years ago

I like the idea of launch site mattering more, and I've heard others mention things along these lines as well. I have an idea that will fairly painlessly replicate the real-world azimuth restrictions at various launch sites. Open questions:

  1. Is this actually a good idea for RO? RP-0? It could definitely impact progression due to contracts being too hard/impossible, and I'm not sure how easy that would be to change.
  2. Should it be part of RP-0, or a separate mod? It definitely requires code. And for land-locked launch sites it will also require some configuration.
NathanKell commented 7 years ago

Separate mod I think. And should probably only enable itself if KSCSwitcher is installed. It would make things massively more expensive, yeah.

NathanKell commented 7 years ago

(But yeah, going polar from the Cape is silly.)

dgeastman commented 7 years ago

I've got a working version of this at https://github.com/dgeastman/RangeSafety. Please feel free to play around with it and offer any feedback,