Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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kOS partmodule parameters balancing - a documented list of what RP-0 can configure #758

Open Dunbaratu opened 7 years ago

Dunbaratu commented 7 years ago

(Speaking as one of the kOS devs)

All kOSProcessor PartModules have some config options that can be set in the Part.cfg file (or ModuleManager config).

One of them is the disk space. But in RO/RP-0 the disk space is always set to the minimum value (5000) regardless of where you are in the tech tree. Since RP-0 does not 'cost' the parts provided by the kOS mod (i.e. it bans the kOS parts if you have NoNonRP0 present) this ends up making the kOSProcessor PartModules inserted by RO and RP-0 be the only ones the player has access to, and they're all stuck at the minimum small disk space tech level that we only intended to be that way early in the tech tree.

Here's a complete list of the KSPFields we intended to be configurable via a Part.cfg file or a modulemanager patch for kOS, with their meanings below:

    name = kOSProcessor

    diskSpace = [integer, defaults to 1024 although the min we ever really use is 5000]
    baseModuleCost = [float, defaults to 0.0]
    baseModuleMass = [float, defaults to 0.0]
    diskSpaceCostFactor = [float, defaults to 0.0244140625 (100Funds per 4096 bytes)]
    diskSpaceMassFactor = [float, defaults to 0.0000000048829 (0.02kg per 4096 bytes)]
    ECPerInstruction = [float, defaults to 0.000004]
    ECPerBytePerSecond = [float, defaults to 0.0]


If you want to get a rough idea of how these numbers work in stock kOS, look at the Part.cfg files under GameData/kOS/Part. At the moment we really only change the diskSpace setting. The other settings are left at the default and we do obey them, but we haven't decided on what would be a good balance in the stock game to make them all vary. Regardless, whatever balance we pick for stock, you'd want to do something different in RP-0 anyway so I'm telling you what all the settings do so you can make your own decisions.

Dunbaratu commented 7 years ago

I should point out that the IPU setting in kOS (Instructions Per Update) is currently a global config the player chooses and isn't encoded into the parts or the partmodule (they choose it on the kOS settings of KSP's "difficulty" settings screen). It represents the computer's speed. A value like 200 makes the kOS computer a very slow and clunky model. The fastest we allow is only 2000, for game lag reasons (We could safely allow it to go higher if we could guarantee the user avoids certain high-level complicated instructions, but we can't.)

There are plenty of pie-in-the-sky plans to make individual kOS parts have differing IPU's from each other, but right now that's not a thing. The setting is global across the whole game.

That means the best you can do for simulating "older" slow computers versus "newer" fast computers is to make it more of a power drain to set the IPU high while using lower-tech parts than using higher-tech parts (via ECPerInstruction). Then the user would have a dis-incentive to set IPU high until later in the tech tree.

Dunbaratu commented 5 years ago

@pap1723 - here's some initial ideas for scaling, if you keep using the idea of adding kOS to the avionics cores: Each section represents a different era of history, with me giving dates to sort of give a rough idea. The thing I'm the least certain about is the electric drain, as I am working mostly off of memory of how RO scaled batteries. But I think it would be really useful to scale electric charge with tech so that people have an incentive to use slower settings early on.

1955: really cruddy big vacuum tube circuits diskSpace = 3000 baseModuleCost = 0 (it's in the avionics core) baseModuleMass = 0 (it's in the avionics core) diskSpaceCostFactor = 1 (1 Fund per byte) diskSpaceMassFactor = 0.000001 (1kg per 1 KB) ECPerInstruction = 0.001 (so that's about 0.2 kW to run 200 IPUs, which is a lot, but real world computers were worse. I toned it down a bit because I don't know how much draw the avionics itself already does.) ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 (I'm going to keep this zero always, I think)

1965: IBM System/360 and the like - that era: Also the Apollo GC was sort of one of these: diskSpace = 8000 baseModuleCost = 0 (it's in the avionics core) baseModuleMass = 0 (it's in the avionics core) diskSpaceCostFactor = 0.1 (1 Fund per 10 bytes) diskSpaceMassFactor = 0.000001 (1kg per 1 KB) ECPerInstruction = 0.0005 (so that's about 0.1 kW to run 200 IPUs) ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 (I'm going to keep this zero always, I think)

1975: diskSpace = 20000 baseModuleCost = 0 (it's in the avionics core) baseModuleMass = 0 (it's in the avionics core) diskSpaceCostFactor = 0.01 (1 Fund per 100 bytes) diskSpaceMassFactor = 0.0000005 (1kg per 2 KB) ECPerInstruction = 0.0001 (so that's about 0.02 kW to run 200 IPUs) ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 (I'm going to keep this zero always, I think)

1980: diskSpace = 40000 baseModuleCost = 0 (it's in the avionics core) baseModuleMass = 0 (it's in the avionics core) diskSpaceCostFactor = 0.01 (1 Fund per 100 bytes) diskSpaceMassFactor = 0.0000001 (1kg per 10 KB) (pretty negligable now) ECPerInstruction = 0.0005 (so that's about 0.01 kW to run 200 IPUs) ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 (I'm going to keep this zero always, I think)

1990: diskSpace = 100000 baseModuleCost = 0 (it's in the avionics core) baseModuleMass = 0 (it's in the avionics core) diskSpaceCostFactor = 0.001 (1 Fund per 1000 bytes) diskSpaceMassFactor = 0.00000005 (1kg per 20 KB) ECPerInstruction = 0.00001 (about 0.01 kW to run 1000 IPUs) ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 (I'm going to keep this zero always, I think)

1995 and up: diskSpace = 200000 baseModuleCost = 0 (it's in the avionics core) baseModuleMass = 0 (it's in the avionics core) diskSpaceCostFactor = 0.0001 (1 Fund per 10000 bytes) diskSpaceMassFactor = 0 (start calling disk mass negligible at this point) ECPerInstruction = 0.000001 (about 0.001 kW to run 1000 IPUs) ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 (I'm going to keep this zero always, I think)