Realistic Progression One - Career mode for Realism Overhaul
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Names for Training courses #907

Closed glilienthal closed 5 years ago

glilienthal commented 5 years ago

I got two landing capsules, the smaller and the bigger one. The courses for both of them are called "Landing Proficiency" Maybe https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/Developmental/Source/Crew/TrainingDatabase.cs is a little bit overeager in simplifying the names?

RoboRay commented 5 years ago

Have you determined if they are, in fact, different courses? Build a test craft with both capsules, take just one of the courses, and see if you are allowed to board only one or both of the capsules.

glilienthal commented 5 years ago

No, I did not check that. Will do, and come back.

pap1723 commented 5 years ago

@glilienthal any update?

glilienthal commented 5 years ago

not yet.

glilienthal commented 5 years ago

I checked it: And amazingly, it doesn't matter at all which "landing" course one takes. So the bug is a lot smaller, and is just that the same course is shown twice.

glilienthal commented 5 years ago

There doesn't seem to be a time set for mission training for the landers.

Does anyone understand the syntax of the below?

    // Apollo
    Apollo = 200, MatureCapsules                                // 600
        bluedog-Apollo-Block2-Capsule = Apollo
        FASAApollo-CM = Apollo
        SSTU-SC-B-CM = Apollo
        Mark1-2Pod = Apollo     
    Apollo-Mission = 60

        // Advanced Apollo                                         650
        SSTU-SC-B-CMX = 50, Apollo
        bluedog-Apollo-Block3-Capsule = 50, Apollo

    // LEM
    FASA-Gemini-Lander-Pod = 100, Landing
    landerCabinSmall = 100, Landing
    ALCOR-LanderCapsule = 100, Landing
    ApolloLEM = 100, Landing          // 500 (200 after other training)
        bluedog-LEM-Ascent-Cockpit = ApolloLEM
        FASALM-AscentStage = ApolloLEM
        MEMLander = ApolloLEM
    landerCabinMedium = 100, Landing
    mk2LanderCabin = 100, Landing
    rn-lk-lander = 100, Landing
siimav commented 5 years ago

@glilienthal The duplicate landing courses that you saw should be fixed by #912

pap1723 commented 5 years ago

@glilienthal has this been fixed now with #912 or is this still pending?

glilienthal commented 5 years ago

I wasn't able to test, but the code looks like it's fixed. My suggestion, let's assume this is fixed, and I'll keep an eye on it, whenever I get around to installing the new code.