KSP-RO / RealFuels

Modular fuel tanks and engines, with real fuels and realistic performance.
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Fuel pump code disabled on non-stock pads #243

Closed ryanc55 closed 3 years ago

ryanc55 commented 4 years ago

In RealFuels.SetupGUI() the check for enablePump is currently: if (vessel != null && vessel.LandedInKSC) This is false for non-stock pads such as those placed by Kerbal Konstructs and therefore those pads are not keeping boiloff from happening. Some tanks can heat up enough when held on the pad for a long time to explode on ascent.

Perhaps: if (vessel != null && vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH) ?

Starwaster commented 4 years ago

Sounds like a reasonable change.

I'll take a look at it. You're sure that vessel situation doesn't stray from PRELAUNCH for that pad?

(not that I think the current implementation is correct, but it should at least be consistent)

ryanc55 commented 4 years ago

I've been playing with that change for a a dozen or so launches now and it seems to work as expected.