KSP-RO / RealSolarSystem

Changes KSP's solar system to make it like the real one.
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Asteroids buggy and questionably configured #294

Open Capkirk123 opened 11 months ago

Capkirk123 commented 11 months ago

As far as I can tell, the stock asteroid/comet model works as follows. When an asteroid/comet is spawned, it is assigned a size class. Asteroids can have classes A through E, while comets can have classes F through I (although can also be assigned asteroid size classes). Each size class has a fixed scale modifier that is applied to the asteroid/comet model, followed by some random variation, bounded by minRadiusMultiplier and maxRadiusMultiplier in ModuleAsteroid. A asteroid/comet of the desired scale is then generated by the game, and placed in orbit.

In order to increase the scale of asteroids to more realistic levels, RSS sets minRadiusMultiplier and maxRadiusMultiplier to 10 and 100, respectively. The issues with this system as it is configured for RSS are described below.

In conclusion, in the current state of RSS, asteroids/comets have no way for the player to know what size they really are, and almost exclusively generate at scales ranging from difficult to interact with (due to collider misalignment and sheer mass) to impossible to interact with (due to the player craft loading inside the asteroid and being immediately destroyed). This makes interacting with asteroids/comets a pretty un-fun experience for the player.

irasponsible commented 4 months ago

RSS - KSP 1.12.5; There seem to be more funky issues with (what I can only assume is caused by) asteroid collision. Being near a 9bn tonne asteroid seems to cause it to move, rotate wildly, or disappear when there's something attached to it, even if that object appears to be attached to the surface of the asteroid. In one case it went into a very different orbit.

(this could also be a base-KSP bug, but I figure add it here since I can't find any reference to the same issue for stock KSP 1.12)