KSP-RO / RealSolarSystem

Changes KSP's solar system to make it like the real one.
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CommNet range extension #94

Closed Kerbas-ad-astra closed 7 years ago

Kerbas-ad-astra commented 7 years ago

Obviously the actual configurations will wait until KSP 1.2 is fully released and Custom Barn Kit is updated, but there's no time like the present to talk balance.

As I see it, there are basically two approaches: we leave the antennas alone and tinker with the DSN ranges only, or we scale up DSN and antennas.

Option 1: leave antennas alone. Pros: fewer things patched. Part names stay valid. :smile: Cons: planets and orbits are larger, so relay setups that players are accustomed may not work if they're simply scaled up 10x for RSS. Goals: DSN1 x 5M to the Moon: 100G (100G x 5M = 707M, Moon is ~400M max) DSN2 x 15G to Mars: 10T (10T x 15G = 387G = 2.58 AU, full-time coverage at Mars and part of the asteroid belt). DNS3 x 100G to Pluto: 1000T (1000T x 100G = 10T = 67 AU, plenty for Pluto and the Kuiper Belt)

Option 2: Scale up antennas as well as the DSN. Goals: A "100G" relay and a "500k" antenna should be able to talk to each other from a planet to a moon -- 100G x 500k = 224M, which is just over the max distance from Jool to Pol. The max planet-moon distance in RSS is 3.88G (Saturn-Iapetus), so a factor of 20x to all antenna ranges will do the trick. DSN1 x 100M (old 5M) to the Moon: 5G DSN2 x 60G (old 15G) to Mars: 500G DSN3 x 2T (old 100G) to Pluto: 50T

Kerbas-ad-astra commented 7 years ago

I've made a PR to update CBK with DSN functionality, and I'm leaning towards option 2 to reduce user confusion. The patches involved would be:

        @antennaPower *= 20

        @DSNRange = 5000000000, 500000000000, 50000000000000