KSP-RO / RealismOverhaul

Multipatch to KSP to give things realistic stats and sizes
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Added Waterfall support for jet engines J-58 and CR2 Ramjet #2971

Closed ArXen42 closed 1 month ago

ArXen42 commented 1 month ago

Main changes:

  1. Added two new templates, rowaterfall-turbojet-afterburner (inspired by SR-71 photos it would seem) and rowaterfall-ramjet (J-404 Panther in stock KSP)

  2. Templates from Stock Waterfall Effects were used as starting point (do I need to put attribution somewhere, like in Credits.txt?) Throttle values usage was replaced with appropriate "core throttle" and "afterburner throttle" values from AJE, some other changes and adjustments were made to exhaust/shock diamond effects, added barely visible smoke trail effect for non-afterburner thrust

  3. The main challenge was adapting plume sizes to AJE's variable nozzle area feature Currently it is still a bit messy - I had to resort to adding two controller sets which differ only in expected range of value received from GetNozzleArea() since it isn't normalized by default I have currently only implemented two engines, so can't say for sure how portable nozzle area->scale curves will turn out to be later when more configs will be added

  4. The audio I simply copied over from ModuleManager cache from unmodified RO install, so it should be exactly as it was without waterfall

At min and max nozzle area: image image

Current exhaust for comparison: image


  1. Add configs for the rest of the jet engines
  2. Maybe find more elegant solution to difference in how nozzleArea changes between different engines (if it actually will, haven't tested this thoroughly yet)
Capkirk123 commented 1 month ago

Looks good! Is this ok to be merged, or is there more you are working on?

ArXen42 commented 1 month ago

Looks good! Is this ok to be merged, or is there more you are working on?

Sorry didn't notice the message, but I think the only thing I missed is adding credits for Stock Waterfall Effects (which I used as a starting point) to license.md, something like this: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/compare/master...ArXen42:RealismOverhaul:patch-1

Hopefully I will manage to make another PR with more engine configs based on these templates some time soon.