KSP-RO / RealismOverhaul

Multipatch to KSP to give things realistic stats and sizes
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Mising 4m.Heatshield and KzProcFairing parts #7

Closed pjf closed 10 years ago

pjf commented 10 years ago

Just upgraded RO to 6.0a3, and alas one of my vessels won't load because it's missing the 4m.Heatshield part.

In 5.2.1 this was in RealismOverhaul/Parts/4M_HeatShield.cfg, but I'm guessing it slipped between the seats when the directory layout was changed for 6.0. ;)

pjf commented 10 years ago

I've also discovered I'm missing:

Many thanks!

~ pjf

RedAV8R commented 10 years ago

Paul, Good news and bad news...

The heatshield is there, but the naming went contrary to the convention of all the others, it was "4m_Heatshield" that I mistakenly renamed to "Heatshield-4M" just like the other 1m, 2m, 3m, 10m parts...I've changed it back to what it was. Should resolve that issue.

The Procedural Fairings, on the other hand, are parts from the 2.* era of Procedural Fairings that were multiple parts of different sizes. v3.* has introduced scalable parts, which decreases part count, those two parts are old v2.* parts that have been depreciated out of RO v6 because they are now redundant. I've slightly reworked them to become available again (model path changed with v3.), but they may or may not work as intended as they are old v2. parts. I highly recommend you manually edit these craft and move over to the parts now available with Procedural Fairings v3.*, as at some point, the depreciated parts will be removed all together.

pjf commented 10 years ago

This is all good news to me! As it happens, all my launched craft have their fairings detached anyway, so the bases are just acting as structural elements now. :)

Out of curiosity, am I correct that everything in the Deprecated directory are parts which are redundant because they can be produced by Procedural Parts / Procedural Fairings / TweakScale? (I'm looking to reduce my loading time and memory footprint, and your deprecated directory looks like a great checklist for me to start with!)

Thanks again for all your awesome work!

~ pjf

pjf commented 10 years ago

(And by a great checklist to start with, I mean a great checklist of which FASA/Novapunch/etc parts I can go deleting!)

pjf commented 10 years ago

Just confirming these fixes are working, so marking closed! Thank you! <3