KSP-RO / TacLifeSupport

Life Support from Thunder Aerospace Corporation
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v0.12.6 for KSP 1.2.1 #55

Closed JPLRepo closed 7 years ago

JPLRepo commented 7 years ago

v0.12.6 Fix PreLaunch Vessel handling. Any vessel that is PreLaunch will display as such and will not consume resources (with the exception of ElectricCharge), however, TACLS will not track EC drain for a PreLaunch vessel so it is possible if you leave a vessel on the pad with no EC generation that immediately on launch TACLS will see the vessel as having no EC available. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/50 Fixed [UNKNOWN] vessel type showing for vessels in the UI. Fixed Vessel list not showing the active vessel at the top of the list when switching between vessels. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/51 Massive code clean-up for performance improvements begins. Internally TAC LS now uses KSP GameEvents for all vessel processing setting things up for future version resource processing of ALL vessels including unloaded vessels. Fix Tourist processing/monitoring. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/52 Fix Rescue Kerbals processing/monitoring. Fixed part search tags on all parts. Fixed NullReferenceException on the Air Filter TACGenericConverter in the Editor scene. Fix Turning TAC LS on/off in a save file (was causing crash when turning on). TAC LS can only be enabled/disabled for a save when creating a new save or at the Space Center. Added support for Community Category Kit (now included in TAC LS download). This is a KSP modding community kit for common part categories in the editor. TAC LS parts will now appear in the "Life Support" category that this kit adds along with the built-in TAC Life Support category which you can still turn on or off. If you prefer to not use the Community Category Kit simply delete the \GameData\CommunityCategoryKit folder. You can then turn off the built-in TAC LS category in the difficulty settings and use the community category if you so wish. Of course, you can use both if you also so desire and the parts will appear in both categories. Rebalanced the smaller Recyclers so they support 3 kerbals and cost less. Rebalanced weight of larger extractors/recyclers. Added bulkheadprofiles to part configs (for size sorting in editor). Aligned part names to include size in their names.
Added RSTKSPGameEvents dll and removed use of reflection for better integration with DeepFreeze mod. Added Frozen field to internal dictionaries and DeepFreeze frozen kerbals now don't disappear from monitoring windows (although they still don't consume resources when frozen).