KSP-SpaceDock / SpaceDock-Backend

Old-Experimantal-Backend (not finished, please ignore)
5 stars 6 forks source link

Collaboration Status #5

Open StollD opened 8 years ago

StollD commented 8 years ago

Hello KSP-SpaceDock,

as you probably know, things have evolved in the last time. SpaceDock is going to switch to an even more distributed model, consisting of a backend and a frontend. While the backend, developed by @RockyTV @godarklight and myself is approaching the state of supporting all the features the old KerbalStuff based code had, the frontend is frozen and broken at the moment. @V1TA5 doesn't have a lot of time at the moment, and I am not experienced enough with the code to work with it apart from some hacks.

That is why we are asking: Who of you is still willing to participate in the SpaceDock project? The current skeleton crew simply wont be able to keep up with all the tasks we will have to do in order to make the new system stable - especially since the current code is unefficient, unstable, and we are just waiting for it to explode. Additionally, feedback on software and infrastructure design questions would be nice. Nobody is perfect.

Please add a comment to this issue, if you still want to contribute (time doesnt really matter), or if you don't have the time / lost motiviation. Thats ok, we wont force you to do anything.

If you want to help out, here is a list of stuff that could or should be done:

Just comment if you want to help out on one of theese things. Or if you are available, but you don't have programmer skills, just write what you can do. If you don't want to help, please post here too. We would remove you from the organisation then, to keep things, well, organised.

Pinging @KSP-SpaceDock/pr-community-management @KSP-SpaceDock/system-adminstrators @KSP-SpaceDock/web-developers

mdawid92 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I want to help you! Mostly Python, could be backend or tools.

StollD commented 8 years ago

Hello @mdawid92 !

If you want, you can join our IRC channel - #spacedock at irc.esper.net - so we can talk about what you could do. Or you just do something on your own and submit a pull request. I'm planning to open some issues on the repository later, with tasks that need to be done.

StollD commented 7 years ago

Sorry that I have to bump this - but we really need frontend developers.

sharksharkco commented 7 years ago

I may be able to commit some time this week

TiktaalikDreaming commented 7 years ago

I have no real skill set in web dev, but I can do horrible, inefficient hacks with the best of them. But I do know 'nix admin stuff. Willing to lend a hand when I have time.

StollD commented 7 years ago


just a small update here, in case y'all didn't already notice: We rewrote SpaceDock-Backend using golang, which gave us a huge performance boost over python (for details see #23 ). Now we have to actually finish the frontend and port it to the new backend.

If you want to help, please post a comment here, or join #spacedock or irc.esper.net and get in contact with me or VITAS. Take a look at the first post in this thread for information on how you could help us.

HebaruSan commented 6 years ago

Is the front end still proprietary / closed source?

StollD commented 6 years ago

VITAS wanted to keep his fronted closed source (IIRC he wanted to make it harder to create websites that look exactly like SpaceDock), but he said that if @RockyTV and I manage to get the code in the OpenDock repository working, he would be open to using that.

Changing the actual design of OpenDock might be pretty easy after it works. (it still uses the first SpaceDock theme, not the one it currently has)

I don't know if VITAS original frontend source still exists somewhere / what he has done with it in the meantime

HebaruSan commented 6 years ago

So what's being asked for here, help with the OpenDock front end, help with the original front end, or both? In the OP it sounds like it's the original front end, but now there's a non proprietary option?

StollD commented 6 years ago

I changed it to ask for help with the OpenDock frontend, thats what we (well, me and RockyTV at least) are currently focusing on.

HebaruSan commented 6 years ago

Cool, thanks for the clarification! I'll clone a copy and have a poke around...

scoo73r commented 6 years ago

Are you still looking for help with backend work? If not I could also help with the front end.

StollD commented 6 years ago

We are grateful for every help we can get, for both the frontend and the backend. At the moment development should be focused on finishing the frontend and figuring out the things that need to change in the backend (or find new features that need to be added)