KSPSnark / IndicatorLights

KSP mod that adds LED-like "indicator lights" for various uses.
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No crew indicator on stock Mk-1 Inline Cockpit #6

Closed Beetlecat closed 5 years ago

Beetlecat commented 5 years ago

I can't find it in the Indicator Lights configs.

Digging into Squad's configs, there's a mk1InlineCockpit.cfg that has a part name of "Mark2Cockpit." Not to be confused with the actual mk2 standard/inline.

Apologies if I'm overlooking something.

KSPSnark commented 5 years ago

Nope, this genuinely had no indicator on it; I simply never got around to adding an indicator to this part.

I've now released IndicatorLights 1.4.1, which adds an indicator to the Mk1 inline cockpit. Thanks! :-)