Details: When you create an income or spending of exactly 10 million, the app accepts them and adds them to the list (see Screenshot 1). However, these are saved as 1.0E7 in the save files (see Screenshot 2). Hence when closing and launching the app again, those entries are wrongly deleted for being invalid. This might impact any high networth students who may use your app for their accounting.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create any new income or spending with a amount of exactly 10000000 (10 million)
Close the app using bye
Reopen the app
Expected: App successfully loads in the 10 million dollar entries
Actual: App deleted the 10 million dollar entries (see Screenshot 3)
Details: When you create an income or spending of exactly 10 million, the app accepts them and adds them to the list (see Screenshot 1). However, these are saved as 1.0E7 in the save files (see Screenshot 2). Hence when closing and launching the app again, those entries are wrongly deleted for being invalid. This might impact any high networth students who may use your app for their accounting.
Steps to Reproduce:
(10 million)bye
Expected: App successfully loads in the 10 million dollar entries
Actual: App deleted the 10 million dollar entries (see Screenshot 3)