As a developer, I can serve static files on cloudinary and deploy on Heroku so that I can provide a deployed link with the correct styles for submission.
Acceptance Criteria
Images must be in the static folder and hosted on cloudinary. The deployed site must display correctly
Please ensure you've completed these tasks before marking the issue as done.
[ ] Reviewed the user story for clarity and completeness.
[ ] Identified and linked related issues or epics.
[ ] Updated the issue with any relevant notes or feedback (to date).
Please add any further tasks that need to be completed before the issue can be marked as done.
If applicable, add a related Epic.
User Story
As a developer, I can serve static files on cloudinary and deploy on Heroku so that I can provide a deployed link with the correct styles for submission.
Acceptance Criteria
Images must be in the static folder and hosted on cloudinary. The deployed site must display correctly
Please ensure you've completed these tasks before marking the issue as done.
Please add any further tasks that need to be completed before the issue can be marked as done.