KTH-Library / kthcorpus

R package to support workflows related to the corpus of publications from KTH
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Update checks.R #149

Closed Ealdwide closed 8 months ago

mskyttner commented 8 months ago

Would you like to capture "more" of this kind?

kth_diva_pubs() |> select(PID, Title) |> mutate(is_match = grepl("[Cc]hairs'* [Ww]elcome" , Title)) |> filter(is_match)


# A tibble: 6 × 3
      PID Title                     is_match
    <dbl> <chr>                     <lgl>   
1  818696 UM3I 2014 chairs' welcome TRUE    
2 1046745 Chairs' welcome           TRUE    
3 1591407 General Chairs' Welcome   TRUE    
4 1666820 DIS 2021 Chairs Welcome   TRUE    
5 1783812 Chairs' welcome           TRUE    
6 1812695 Chairs' Welcome           TRUE    

If you give thumbs up I will use [Cc]hairs'* [Ww]elcome instead of Chairs'' [Ww]elcome....

mskyttner commented 8 months ago

Will be adressed in #150