A suggested improvement to the gray secondary color in KTH's graphical profile is attached, which would improve accessibility by facilitating its perception amongst (deuteranope) color-blind persons (and otherwise not change signature color perception significantly for non-color-blind persons).
The suggestion is to use "Cool Grey 10" instead and comes from Martin Krzywinski who makes his work in this area available at http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/colorblind/ and whom I asked for suggestions wrt improving the colors in the graphical profile for color-blind perception.
A suggested improvement to the gray secondary color in KTH's graphical profile is attached, which would improve accessibility by facilitating its perception amongst (deuteranope) color-blind persons (and otherwise not change signature color perception significantly for non-color-blind persons).
The suggestion is to use "Cool Grey 10" instead and comes from Martin Krzywinski who makes his work in this area available at http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/colorblind/ and whom I asked for suggestions wrt improving the colors in the graphical profile for color-blind perception.