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tool support for smart contracts (inc. testing, debugging) #2

Open monperrus opened 1 year ago

monperrus commented 1 year ago


lots of tools at https://github.com/bkrem/awesome-solidity

monperrus commented 1 year ago


monperrus commented 1 year ago


monperrus commented 1 year ago

Mutation testing for Solidity:

https://github.com/MorenaBarboni/SuMo-SOlidity-MUtator https://github.com/JoranHonig/vertigo

monperrus commented 1 year ago

n-version programming for smart-contracts:

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Detecting functional and security‐related issues in smart contracts: A systematic literature review

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Combine sliced joint graph with graph neural networks for smart contract vulnerability detection

monperrus commented 1 year ago

smock: The Solidity mocking library https://github.com/defi-wonderland/smock

cc/ @Deee92

monperrus commented 1 year ago

The foundry toolchain in Rust: https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry/

Anvil is a local testnet node shipped with Foundry. https://book.getfoundry.sh/anvil/

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Echidna: Ethereum smart contract fuzzer https://github.com/crytic/echidna

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Challenges and Common Solutions in Smart Contract Development http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9555611

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Pluto: Exposing Vulnerabilities in Inter-Contract Scenarios http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9562567

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Challenges and Common Solutions in Smart Contract Development

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Not so immutable: Upgradeability of Smart Contracts on Ethereum https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.00716.pdf

monperrus commented 1 year ago

How contract migration works Alternative to upgradability mechanism - moving data to a new contract

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

https://smartbugs.github.io/ A Framework for Analysing Ethereum Smart Contracts

monperrus commented 1 year ago

for blockchain automation, Seth is a base for deploy scripts, integration tests, and bots. https://github.com/crytic/dapptools/tree/master/src/seth

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Leveraging Architectural Approaches in Web3 Applications -- A DAO Perspective Focused. http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.05314

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Inferring Needless Write Memory Accesses on Ethereum Bytecode https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.04757

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Inferring Needless Write Memory Accesses on Ethereum Bytecode https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.04757

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Guiding Automated Test Case Generation for Transaction-Reverting Statements in Smart Contracts.

monperrus commented 1 year ago

SAILFISH: Vetting Smart Contract State-Inconsistency Bugs in Seconds https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08638

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Large-Scale Empirical Study of Inline Assembly on 7.6 Million Ethereum Smart Contracts http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9745341

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Security Threat Mitigation For Smart Contracts: A Survey https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.07347.pdf

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Test-Case Generation for Data Flow Testing of Smart Contracts Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9778269

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Invariants in https://github.com/crytic/properties

ERC20 token: mintable, burnable, pausable and transferable invariants (25 properties). ERC4626 vaults: strict specification and additional security invariants (37 properties). ABDKMath64x64 fixed-point library invariants (106 properties).

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Enhancing Ethereum smart-contracts static analysis by computing a precise Control-Flow Graph of Ethereum bytecode

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Metamorphic Testing for Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Detection

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Truffle / Ganache / Drizzle: https://github.com/trufflesuite/

monperrus commented 1 year ago

gambit mutation generator for Solidity https://github.com/Certora/gambit

see usage in https://medium.com/certora/gambit-23ef5cab02f5

cc/ @chandrakananandi

chandrakananandi commented 1 year ago

gambit mutation generator for Solidity https://github.com/Certora/gambit

see usage in https://medium.com/certora/gambit-23ef5cab02f5

cc/ @chandrakananandi

Thanks @monperrus for posting about gambit! We are really excited about it and actively working on adding more features and improvements too :)

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Woke is a Python-based development and testing framework for Solidity. https://github.com/Ackee-Blockchain/woke

monperrus commented 1 year ago


monperrus commented 1 year ago

Brownie: A Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine. https://github.com/eth-brownie/brownie

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software (aka buidler) https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat.

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Embark: Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms https://github.com/embarklabs/embark

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Waffle advanced framework for testing smart contracts in Typescript https://github.com/TrueFiEng/Waffle

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Super-optimization of Smart Contracts https://dl.acm.org/doi/full/10.1145/3506800

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Solhint linting utility for Solidity code https://github.com/protofire/solhint

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Harvey: A greybox fuzzer for smart contracts

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

injecting faults in the ethereum blockchain https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/6287639/8948470/09229414.pdf

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Towards Saving Blockchain Fees via Secure and Cost-Effective Batching of Smart-Contract Invocations https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10018598

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Surya is an utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about the contracts' structure.


monperrus commented 1 year ago

More mocking Solidity mocking provider for testing https://github.com/cleanunicorn/mockprovider

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

SigRec: Automatic Recovery of Function Signatures in Smart Contracts. http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.07067

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Rust WebAssembly smart contract for NEAR with Javascript runtime https://github.com/petersalomonsen/quickjs-rust-near

monperrus commented 1 year ago

SmartMark: Software Watermarking Scheme for Smart Contracts https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.13733

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

ReSuMo: a regression strategy and tool for mutation testing of solidity smart contracts M Barboni, A Morichetta, A Polini, F Casoni. Software Quality Journal

bbaudry commented 11 months ago

Correct-by-Design Interacting Smart Contracts and a Systematic Approach for Verifying ERC20 and ERC721 Contracts With VeriSolid http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9864250 TDSC 2023

bbaudry commented 10 months ago

Towards Web3 Applications: Easing the Access and Transition. http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.05903

bbaudry commented 9 months ago

Capturing Smart Contract Design with DCR Graphs. http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.04581