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secure smart contracts and programmable society #7

Open bbaudry opened 2 years ago

bbaudry commented 2 years ago

List of resources:


monperrus commented 1 year ago

Sigstore empowers software developers to securely sign software artifacts such as release files, container images, binaries, bill of material manifests and more. Signing materials are then stored in a tamper-resistant public log.


monperrus commented 1 year ago


monperrus commented 1 year ago

Ultimate Web3 Security Practices https://github.com/arunimshukla/Best-DeFi-Security-Practices

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Smart Invoice is a platform that provides web3 freelancers with cryptocurrency invoicing, escrow, and arbitration. https://smartinvoice.xyz/

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Provable identities https://book.keybase.io/guides/proof-integration-guide

monperrus commented 1 year ago

SpruceID is an ecosystem of open source tools to enable user-controlled identity anywhere. https://www.spruceid.com/

monperrus commented 1 year ago
monperrus commented 1 year ago

BSB: Bringing Safe Browsing to Blockchain Platform https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-23020-2_30

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Multisig wallets

Example in Bitcoin: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/multisig-tutorial.md

Example in EVM: https://github.com/paxosglobal/simple-multisig/ (incl. audits) (see also Gnosis Safe)

monperrus commented 1 year ago

social recovery wallets: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/11/recovery.html

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Securing Deployed Smart Contracts and DeFi With Distributed TEE Cluster https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/td/5555/01/09999528/1JrMCRVDdDy

monperrus commented 1 year ago

multi-party computation (MPC) wallets: https://zengo.com/mpc-wallet/ https://halborn.com/what-is-an-mpc-wallet/ https://www.alchemy.com/overviews/mpc-wallet

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Smart contract best practices by consensys https://consensys.github.io/smart-contract-best-practices/

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

OpenSCV: An Open Hierarchical Taxonomy for Smart Contract Vulnerabilities. http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14523

monperrus commented 1 year ago


monperrus commented 1 year ago


monperrus commented 1 year ago

Vulnerability classification https://swcregistry.io/ https://www.dasp.co/

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Sabre is a security analysis tool for smart contracts written in Solidity.


monperrus commented 1 year ago

VRust: Automated Vulnerability Detection for Solana Smart Contracts CCS 22 https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3548606.3560552

monperrus commented 1 year ago

Semgrep rules for smart contracts https://github.com/Decurity/semgrep-smart-contracts

monperrus commented 1 year ago

OpenZeppelin Defender provides a security operations (SecOps) platform for Ethereum with built-in best practices.

Admin Automate and secure all your smart contract administration. Relay Build with private and secure transaction infrastructure. Sentinel Monitor smart contracts and send notifications. Autotask Create automated scripts to call your smart contracts.


bbaudry commented 1 year ago

automatic synthesis of adversarial smart contracts

The Blockchain Imitation Game, Usenix 2023 https://www.usenix.org/system/files/sec23fall-prepub-331-qin.pdf

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Cerberus Channels: Incentivizing Watchtowers for Bitcoin https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-51280-4_19

monperrus commented 1 year ago

pyrometer: a tool for analyzing the security and parameters of a solidity smart contract https://github.com/nascentxyz/pyrometer

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

Robbery on DevOps: Understanding and Mitigating Illicit Cryptomining on Continuous Integration Service Platforms https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3062341.3062363?theme=2019

bbaudry commented 1 year ago

VulHunter: Hunting Vulnerable Smart Contracts at EVM bytecode-level via Multiple Instance Learning

monperrus commented 12 months ago

blockchain CTF from go-outside-labs/blockchains-auditing

bbaudry commented 11 months ago

Gap between theory and practice: an empirical study of security patches in solidity https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3377811.3380424

monperrus commented 10 months ago

TxPhishScope: Towards Detecting and Understanding Transaction-based Phishing on Ethereum https://yajin.org/papers/ccs23_phishing.pdf

bbaudry commented 9 months ago

SourceP: Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum with Source Code. http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01665