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Week 5: Questions #76

Closed Jacarte closed 9 months ago

Jacarte commented 9 months ago

Here we post the questions we ask live during the lecture of Week 5. Please follow the following format:

Title of presentation or demo
ChristoferVikstroem commented 9 months ago

Creating an NFT with Solidity "How can I buy this?" chrvik

Answer: https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/sepolia/0xb376e53c65efadba664a3f73d57c93d5611edb25/1/

edvinbaggman commented 9 months ago

Creating an NFT, from an empty canvas to NFT using solidity

What is the benefit of using your own contract when minting?


lerjevik commented 9 months ago

Creating an NFT, from an empty canvas to NFT using solidity What is the cost of using IPFS? What is pinning? lerjevik

vivi365 commented 9 months ago

Creating an NFT, from an empty canvas to NFT using solidity #65 What did you find most difficult about this process? vivia

ChristoferVikstroem commented 9 months ago

My "real" question this lecture: Using Generative AI to create NFT collections on Polygon with OpenSea Studio "Do you know what training data is used for the images you generated in the demo?" chrvik

cetceeve commented 9 months ago

So, I am sick today. Tested positive for covid19, so I cannot be in class unfortunately. While I cannot ask a question I could contribute a bit here on GitHub. For the Echidna Demo I found this video course on fuzzing.

The fuzzing workshop by TrailofBits is a comprehensive video series covering fundamentals as well as advanced use cases for fuzzing solidity smart contracts. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLciHOL_J7Iwqdja9UH4ZzE8dP1IxtsBXI&feature=shared

Maybe we can add it to #22


cetceeve commented 9 months ago

Using Generative AI to create NFT collections on Polygon with OpenSea Studio

Why did the minting only mint one Bazooki? I saw that you uploaded 12 bazookis. Was the whole AI compute expensive? 😅


(probably this was explained in class, but I had no audio)

Jacarte commented 9 months ago

FYI, IPFS white paper, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ipfs/papers/master/ipfs-cap2pfs/ipfs-p2p-file-system.pdf

pierrelefevre commented 9 months ago

Using Generative AI to create NFT collections on Polygon with OpenSea Studio

Why did the minting only mint one Bazooki? I saw that you uploaded 12 bazookis. Was the whole AI compute expensive? 😅


(probably this was explained in class, but I had no audio)

Theoretically you might allow more than 2 minutes for minting, or buy them all yourself and then list them for sale, but the demo was already overtime!

They were generated locally but on the OpenAI API high resolution image is just over 1 SEK each

pierrelefevre commented 9 months ago

NFTs Unchained: From Central Servers to IPFS What would be the steps of running a node myself? pierrelf

filippaleuckfeld commented 9 months ago

NFTs Unchained: From Central Servers to IPFS Is the data on IPFS public for anyone? efle

alegust commented 9 months ago

Creating an NFT, from an empty canvas to NFT using solidity

How to sell the NFT?


sifisKoen commented 9 months ago

Name: Iosif Koen



Jacarte commented 9 months ago

FYI, IPFS white paper, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ipfs/papers/master/ipfs-cap2pfs/ipfs-p2p-file-system.pdf

Notice subsection 3.2.4 and how the IPFS BitSwap Protocol prevents some attack vectors. For example, IPFS prevents, from protocol, that a ledger shares the least possible in order to maximize filecoin reward.

flaxxen commented 9 months ago

I asked on Benoits presentation, what are the id:s seen on opensea for each nft. felixq@kth.se Felix Qvarfordt

rsssss12 commented 9 months ago

I asked whether NFTs have the chance to become mainstream in the society and what the potentials are or are they just being exploited from people trying to get rich. rscholz@kth.se Robert Scholz

oskarsva commented 9 months ago

Creating an NFT, from an empty canvas to NFT using solidity https://github.com/KTH/programmable-society/pull/65 Are there any constraints of what types of files, formats etc. that can be used for NFT? Are there safeguards on chain for ensuring ownership of a particular piece? oskarsva