During this demo, I plan to showcase the Address Activity Webhook from the Alchemy Notify API, and how it can be used to notify you upon transfers to/from an address. More specifically, I will be monitoring my own wallet address and build a Discord Bot that notifies me upon NFT transfers to my wallet. Moreover, I plan to integrate this with the Alchemy NFT API in order to include information regarding the NFTs.
Being used to instant confirmation upon purchasing something outside of blockchain, having to manually keep track of blockchain transactions can seem inconvenient [1]. I believe this demo will give a good first introduction to the Alchemy Notify API, which enables receiving real-time notifications for events, e.g., failed transactions or transfers to your wallet [2].
Assignment Proposal
Showcasing Alchemy Notify API & NFT API
Names and KTH ID
Dina Lerjevik (lerjevik@kth.se)
During this demo, I plan to showcase the Address Activity Webhook from the Alchemy Notify API, and how it can be used to notify you upon transfers to/from an address. More specifically, I will be monitoring my own wallet address and build a Discord Bot that notifies me upon NFT transfers to my wallet. Moreover, I plan to integrate this with the Alchemy NFT API in order to include information regarding the NFTs.
Being used to instant confirmation upon purchasing something outside of blockchain, having to manually keep track of blockchain transactions can seem inconvenient [1]. I believe this demo will give a good first introduction to the Alchemy Notify API, which enables receiving real-time notifications for events, e.g., failed transactions or transfers to your wallet [2].
Sources: [1] https://medium.com/alchemy-api/introducing-alchemy-notify-bringing-notifications-to-blockchain-apps-760dee043a2f [2] https://docs.alchemy.com/docs/alchemy-notify