KUCognitiveInformaticsLab / zhu_project_real_and_fake

The issues when we use the PsychoPy software
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low-mid-high level statistics #2

Open conchincradle opened 1 year ago

conchincradle commented 1 year ago

Low-level statistics of images include basic descriptive statistics such as mean, variance, standard deviation, and range of pixel values in an image. These statistics provide basic information about the overall brightness, contrast, and distribution of pixel values in an image.

Mid-level statistics of images include techniques for analyzing the relationships between image features, such as texture, color, and shape. Examples of mid-level statistics include edge detection, texture analysis, and segmentation. These statistics are used to understand the visual characteristics of an image and extract meaningful features for further analysis.

High-level statistics of images include advanced techniques for image classification, object recognition, and image synthesis. Examples of high-level statistics include deep learning algorithms, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs). These statistics are used to model complex image data and make predictions, such as identifying objects or generating new images.

conchincradle commented 1 year ago

Low-level statistics refer to basic descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, and range. These statistics are typically used to summarize and describe data at a granular level.

Mid-level statistics refer to statistical techniques that analyze the relationships between variables. Examples include correlation analysis, regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). These statistics are used to understand the associations between different variables in a dataset.

High-level statistics refer to advanced statistical techniques that are used to model complex systems and make predictions. Examples include machine learning algorithms, time series analysis, and Bayesian statistics. These statistics are used to make predictions, uncover patterns, and gain insights from large and complex datasets.