KULeuven-MICAS / zigzag

HW Architecture-Mapping Design Space Exploration Framework for Deep Learning Accelerators
MIT License
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Add cacti as a submodule #20

Closed Andful closed 9 months ago

Andful commented 11 months ago

It seems more elegant to add cacti as a submodule for the following reasons:

Furthermore, currently the folder contains compiled binaries that I think were not intended to be pushed.

That said, an additional attention is needed when cloning the repository. Users would have to run git clone --recursive to clone the submodules when cloning the main repo.

Feel free to close the pull request if you deem the current method to be fine.

asyms commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately we had to modify some cacti files, so this isn't possible. In the future we will move to another memory modeling tool.