KW529 / drought-net-tickets

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Import biomass: BFL and SLP sites (University of Texas) 2016-2019 #98

Closed KW529 closed 3 years ago

KW529 commented 4 years ago

New data submitted, but with Total biomass. Thus, I asked the following question on 5-18-2020:

"Hi Jason,

Thanks so much for participating in DroughtNet and for sending data from my alma mater! I have the following questions about the data:

  1. Is total biomass reported as aboveground net primary production from that year or does it include secondary growth from woody vegetation?
  2. Is the biomass reported in g/m^2?
  3. What was the first day (year-month-day) that you all set up the drought shelters at each site? Do these shelters stay up all year?

At both sites and years, it appears as thought the data was collected in May or June, but in 2016, you all collected the biomass and cover data in September. I'm guessing you all did this because the structures were erected in June 2016, but wondering if there was another reason you all sampled in September.

Thanks again!

Best, Kate"

KW529 commented 4 years ago

Jason's response:


The total biomass includes both primary and secondary growth and is measured in g/m^2. The shelters remained up for the entirety of the 4 year study period and were erected at BFL on 16Jun2016 and at SLP on 29Jun2016. You're correct that during the first year the plots were sampled in September because the shelters were erected in June.

Let me know if you need anything else from us, Jason"

KW529 commented 4 years ago

My reply: "Hi Jason,

Thanks again! Is there any way that you all could send the primary production weight? Part of our protocol requires that sites send aboveground net primary production. Thus, we won't be able to use your biomass data (the cover data looks fine) unless it is anpp. Let me know if this would be possible.

Best, Kate"

KW529 commented 4 years ago

Jason response on 5-19-2020: "Sure, I’ll work on that and get back to you with new biomass totals. Apologies for the mistake!"

KW529 commented 4 years ago

Jason's response on 6-01-2020: "Kate,

I've corrected the mass data calculations. In addition to our mass including the woody material and thatch, it looks like some of the mass totals were reported in 0.1 g/m^2 instead of 1.0 g.m^2.

The new biomass totals in the attached spreadsheet are the correct ANPP totals in g/m^2.

Again, sorry for the confusion. Let me know if you need anything else. I look forward to seeing the results!

Jason Lawson"

KW529 commented 3 years ago


Hi Jason,

Could you add the following species from SLP to the taxa table (attached)? Croton equitans Paspalum sp. (Is this Paspalum setaceum?) Thanks so much!

Best, Kate


Hey Kate,

It looks like that should be Convolvulus equitans. The paspalum has not been identified to species. I added them to the attached species list.

Jason Lawson, Research Engineering/Scientist Associate The University of Texas at Austin | Integrative Biology 512-471-2825 | 832-722-9447 | Brackenridge Field Lab