KWB-R / fakin.doc

Best Practices in Research Data Management
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Add more References #28

Open mrustl opened 5 years ago

mrustl commented 5 years ago

Reminder to myself to add the following references in the relevant chapters of the report, e.g.:

Why to share Code?


Best practices scientific computing

Why GitHub?

All above references found in: Lowndes, Julia S Stewart, Benjamin D Best, Courtney Scarborough, Jamie C Afflerbach, Melanie R Frazier, Casey C O’Hara, Ning Jiang, and Benjamin S Halpern. 2017. “Our Path to Better Science in Less Time Using Open Data Science Tools.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (6). Nature Publishing Group

In addition add new R Markdown Book ( nd Link to R package rticles, which provides templates for writing journal articles in R markdown.

Sackler Colloquium on Improving the Reproducibility of Scientific Research (Free Online) , e.g.: