KaartGroup / Brazil

Kaart Mapping Projects in Brazil
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Vitória Road Names #16

Open tsmock opened 5 years ago

tsmock commented 5 years ago

Tasking Manager

Link to tasking manager: Vitória Road Names

Scope of Work

To update and add road names to roads that have the data available via the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in Vitória.


By following the data provided in JOSM via the IBGE imagery layers available, we will be adding street names wherever they are available city by city. The project will begin first in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, after which we will review every available city in Brazil to ensure that as many road names as are available through the IBGE data are all input into OSM.

During this process, we will also verify road geometry utilizing satellite imagery along with the data available via the IBGE layers.

Editors Actively Working on this Project

Name OSM Username
Ben El Pescador
Jake jacob_kubeczko
Katelin kreimers
Kyle Kyleta8
Luis medrano93
Marshall MTG5093
Mia notmee-uh
Nikki Meowshane
Sharon sfeather
Zebulon Zebulonium
Alejandro DandyJandy
Charles chuck97!
Lucas ldbingham
Ryan rytheking

Changeset Comment

Adding street names in Brazil retrieved from IBGE Map of Urban Areas. #Kaart 2018


For questions or comments regarding this project, please contact Leanne (LSkalayo ) or leave a comment below.

LucFreitas commented 5 years ago

Hello. The city of Vitória and its surroundings, such as Vila Velha and Cariacica, were fully revised with more updated data than those of IBGE in a hard manual verification work. By changing the names and alternative names with IBGE data you eventually destroy the official nomenclature as well as the names known to the population.

The IBGE base was created more than 10 years ago and belongs to a national organization. The bases currently used in this region are much more recent and are produced by local administrations.

Olá. A cidade de Vitória e suas redondezas, como Vila Velha e Cariacica foram plenamente revisadas com dados mais atualizados que os do IBGE em um duro trabalho manual de verificação. Ao alterar os nomes e nomes alternativos com dados do IBGE vocês eventualmente destroem a nomenclatura oficial como também os nomes conhecidos pela população.

A base do IBGE foi criada há mais de 10 anos e pertence a uma organização nacional. As bases atualmente utilizadas nesta região são muito mais recentes e são produzidas pelas administrações locais.