Kabanosk / whisper-website

Simple web application, which can be used to convert audio to subtitles by OpenAI's Whisper model
MIT License
245 stars 56 forks source link

GUI Application? #2

Closed kirill0ermakov closed 1 year ago

kirill0ermakov commented 1 year ago

Greetings, could you please tell me if there are plans to make a full-fledged GUI that you can run as a local program?

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

Hi! Maybe in the future. Now you can run this website on localhost using uvicorn. I can make it easier to run if you want

kirill0ermakov commented 1 year ago

It's just that I, like many users who are not related to programming, not really like to use the terminal for work :)

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

Okey, so you must install git, pip and python, then you go to terminal / command prompt and make all steps from the repo readme:

  1. Clone the repo - git clone git@github.com:Kabanosk/website_for_whisper.git
  2. Go to src directory - cd website_for_whisper/src
  3. Install requirements - pip install -r ../reqirements.txt
  4. Run the run.py file - python3 run.py
  5. Go to your browser and type

You have exact command you write to run the web app after ' - '

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

Tell me if you will have any problem :D

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

Hi @kirill0ermakov ! I don't have Windows or macOS system unfortunately. Can you test the windows_run.bat file if you have windows or unix_run.sh if you have macOS?

When you download the zip file, then in src folder is file windows_run.bat/unix_run.sh. Can you double click on it and tell me if you see the website?

It will look like this: 2022-10-03_19-22

kirill0ermakov commented 1 year ago

I try this on Windows, but this dont work, sorry.

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

I am sorry that this don't work. When I will have access to windows machine, I will try to make it work, but for now unless someone fix this bug I cannot help you. If you really want to try the whisper model you can install tools like pip and git. Then go to README.md and step by step, copy all commands to command prompt (Command Prompt is installed on windows machine, you can search for it)

StarDrop9 commented 1 year ago

failed)net::ERR_UPLOAD_FILE_CHANGED Any idea how to correct this error on Post...? running in vscode and windows 11 and virus protection by Trendmicro

sonkite225 commented 1 year ago

Greetings, could you please tell me if there are plans to make a full-fledged GUI that you can run as a local program?

there is already one called Buzz https://github.com/chidiwilliams/buzz :)

lechatnieger commented 1 year ago

hi, thankyou for this web interface, i am trying to make it work on localnetwork and not only on localhost, i see uvicorn is running on in run.py , but if i change the ip to my machine ip, it does not change.

Thank you in advance

iteachmachines commented 1 year ago

I just tested it.When I upload a mp3 file it says internal server error.Any idea why? I tried to run it locally.

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

Hi @iteachmachines ! Do you use the run.py file or windows_run.bat to start it?

iteachmachines commented 1 year ago

Hello @Kabanosk yes I tried running both through run.py file and through windows_run.bat.

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

Where do you run them @iteachmachines ? In cmd or powershell, or just click on those files?

iteachmachines commented 1 year ago

VS code terminal.Created a virutalenv, installed the necessary dependencies and then run it.

Kabanosk commented 1 year ago

When you run it in vscode terminal and get the internal server error, you should have error message in this terminal. Can you copy and paste the error here? @iteachmachines