Kabe0 / deluge-windscribe

To provide an isolated VPN layer with Deluge
23 stars 6 forks source link

Cannot connect to windscribe - Timeout #22

Closed L44RS closed 3 years ago

L44RS commented 3 years ago

Hi! Trying to run the image in docker on a WSL2 VM. Correct ports are already forwarded to the actual ethernet interface.

When I try to run the container, the logs show that windscribe has started. Whilst setting the location however, the timeout error occurs. What am I doing wrong?

Logs: _Initializing Container, Using config file /config/auth.conf., /usr/bin/init.py:23: DeprecationWarning: 'U' mode is deprecated, with open(vpnAuth, 'rU') as f:, Starting windscribe ... OK, Settings location to Bicycle, Traceback (most recent call last):, File "/usr/bin/init.py", line 52, in , cond = child.expect(['Please login to use Windscribe', 'Service communication error', pexpect.EOF], timeout=50), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 343, in expect, return self.expect_list(compiled_pattern_list,, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 372, in expect_list, return exp.expect_loop(timeout), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 181, in expect_loop, return self.timeout(e), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 144, in timeout, raise exc, pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded., <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7f03e1e06cd0>, command: /usr/bin/windscribe, args: ['/usr/bin/windscribe', 'connect', 'Bicycle'], buffer (last 100 chars): b'\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-', before (last 100 chars): b'\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-', after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT'>, match: None, match_index: None, exitstatus: None, flag_eof: False, pid: 145, child_fd: 6, closed: False, timeout: 30, delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>, logfile: None, logfile_read: None, logfile_send: None, maxread: 2000, ignorecase: False, searchwindowsize: None, delaybeforesend: 0.05, delayafterclose: 0.1, delayafterterminate: 0.1, searcher: searcherre:, 0: re.compile(b'Please login to use Windscribe'), 1: re.compile(b'Service communication error'), 2: EOF,

L44RS commented 3 years ago

Forgot to mention, when running the container without the VPN enabled I do have internet access.

Kabe0 commented 3 years ago

Hmm it might be the config file. Does using the login variables work?

L44RS commented 3 years ago

Whoa, that's a quick response. Awesome! I've tried setting the env variables, and I thought it gave the same result. It seems that it is still taking the auth.conf file as a source. I've now removed that file, but now I get the error that auth.conf cannot be found..

Is there something I need to set in order for it to not use the auth.conf file?

L44RS commented 3 years ago

Owwww, wait. I'm setting the webproy username and password. Whoops. Let's check whether it works when I actually set the correct env variables.

L44RS commented 3 years ago

Issue persists unfortunately. Could it have something to do with the device not being correct for a WSL2 installation? Or would the throw other errors?

Appreciate your work!

Logs: Initializing Container, Using VPN_USERNAME and VPN_PASSWORD to login., _Starting windscribe ... OK, Settings location to best, Traceback (most recent call last):, File "/usr/bin/init.py", line 52, in , cond = child.expect(['Please login to use Windscribe', 'Service communication error', pexpect.EOF], timeout=50), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 343, in expect, return self.expect_list(compiled_pattern_list,, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line 372, in expect_list, return exp.expect_loop(timeout), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 181, in expect_loop, return self.timeout(e), File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pexpect/expect.py", line 144, in timeout, raise exc, pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded., <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at 0x7f975e1a1220>, command: /usr/bin/windscribe, args: ['/usr/bin/windscribe', 'connect', 'best'], buffer (last 100 chars): b'\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\', before (last 100 chars): b'\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\\x08-\x08/\x08|\x08\', after: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT'>, match: None, match_index: None, exitstatus: None, flag_eof: False, pid: 143, child_fd: 6, closed: False, timeout: 30, delimiter: <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>, logfile: None, logfile_read: None, logfile_send: None, maxread: 2000, ignorecase: False, searchwindowsize: None, delaybeforesend: 0.05, delayafterclose: 0.1, delayafterterminate: 0.1, searcher: searcherre:, 0: re.compile(b'Please login to use Windscribe'), 1: re.compile(b'Service communication error'), 2: EOF,

Kabe0 commented 3 years ago

Hmm, I have not tried out WSL 2 yet, so it's possible it's something to do with Iptables etc being different

you could try added --privileged or enabling LEGACY_IPTABLES... Do you have special characters in your password that might cause issues?

Try logging into the container with -it /bin/bash then you can run windscribe login in the CLI directly and see if that works. Make sure it's your username pass for your account, not their openvpn details.

L44RS commented 3 years ago

Awesome, just enabling the privileged flag did not change anything, but enabling LEGACY_IPTABLES did! I am running ubuntu 20.04 however so I didn't think it was necessary, but apparently it was. Thanks a lot!

Kabe0 commented 3 years ago

No problem. I am in progress with updating the container for a newer version of libtorrent. Though it might be the end of the week before I get it live due to some package issues.