KablamoOSS / BetterInstantSearch

Support for Better Instant Search for Confluence
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Adding the App to the permissions on every confluencespace #2

Open flowxyz1 opened 2 years ago

flowxyz1 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team of Better Instant Search,

we are testing your app for Confluence Cloud. I have two questions for you:

  1. In order for a specific space to appear as a filter option, the app must first be added to the space in the permissions. Currently, this is not yet a problem, as we only use 3-4 Spaces for testing. Later, however, the app would have to be added manually for more than 100 Spaces. Is there an easier way to do this?

  2. Our employees have access to almost all spaces, which would mean that a very long list of spaces would appear on the rightside of the search, which is very confusing. Is there a possibility to enter the name of a Space in a search when filtering for it, like in the advanced confluences search?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


boyter commented 2 years ago

Hi @flowxyz1

Sorry about the tardy response. We missed the notification on this one.

  1. Not that we are aware of from a metadata perspective, however you can add a unique string into pages you want in some pages, and use that as a search string. For example, if I wanted security pages within a global space I could put the string "secops" in the document, and search for "secops SOMETHING" to achieve this.
  2. A filter of the list of spaces... that sounds like it could be done. Perhaps as a box on the right side to filter down the spaces themselves? Is that sort of what you are thinking?
flowxyz1 commented 2 years ago

Hi @boyter ,

regarding the first point: this is related to my other query about global permissions, whereby all pages of all Spaces are automatically included in the search.

to point two: yes exactly, that would be great! Do they have such a task already on the roadmap? Is there a public roadmap to BIS where future funciontalities and the tasks you are working on are visible?

boyter commented 2 years ago

@flowxyz1 Yes, oddly as far as I can tell so long as BIS has access to the space it should be pulled in the moment a page is created. I am double checking this now.

A filter could be implemented. We have not found someone with that many spaces to need this but it was bound to happen eventually. As for a public roadmap, not really. We were somewhat hamstrung by Atlassian with how they have been dealing with Connect apps while pushing Forge. We are not sure what the expected lifetime of Connect apps is currently, but there are some things that cannot be solved using Forge that Connect can. I will update the moment I know what Atlassian plans are.