Kaedrin / warhammer-mod-manager

New mod manager for Warhammer 2
126 stars 24 forks source link

Not availble on Linux #67

Open Spodeian opened 4 years ago

Spodeian commented 4 years ago

I understand this was probably designed for windows, but could you either compile an executable for Linux (Ubuntu in my case), or if you are willing, actually make the source code available and then I can try and then people can try and do it for them selves at least. If this just straight up isn't viable on Linux, then fair enough, I'd like to know tho.

Goldfive commented 3 years ago

Yeah I'm having this issue as well. The CA launcher is currently limiting me, but Kaedrin won't even startup because it won't find the path to the exe. It's possible to change it in the GameData.xml, but haven't had any success with that yet.

dabanhfreak commented 3 years ago

Currently running Warhammer 2 on Proton. When launching the mod manager, it says that Steam is not active. Obviously it's because it's not detecing the Linux steam launcher... perhaps if there is a script that can be made to patch this, that'll be great.

Star-X555 commented 2 years ago

Proton 6.3 has fixed this problem if you go about it one specific way.

Basically, if you go into the directory where the launcher resides (in warhammer2directoryhere/launcher), rename Launcher.exe to Launcher.exe.bak, rename steam_api.dll to steam_api.dll.bak, paste in KMM into the launcher directory with its included DLLs, and then symlink KMM's EXE to Launcher.exe, it works on Linux! (note: run TWWH2 through Steam after doing this, it will load KMM instead)

There's probably a less invasive means of pulling this off with Proton, but this method does work, and incidentally improves loading times drastically when playing with the Windows binary on Proton with mods (5 minutes+ loading between battle and campaign shortened to a much more reasonable 2 or 3 minutes, at most).

dabanhfreak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this. I'm giving it a go, but I'm unsure what symlink is or how to make one. How can this be done?

edit: got it thanks

I went to the launcher folder in terminal then entered

ln -s Warhammer2MM.exe launcher.exe

Star-X555 commented 2 years ago

Should be Launcher.exe, not launcher.exe. Since Linux is case sensitive, ya know.

dabanhfreak commented 2 years ago

It was actually lower case in my instance. In any case, the game launched fine. I did notice load times as well as menus were a lot snappier as you said.