Kagami / boram

:film_strip: Cross-platform graphical WebM converter
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How can I get alpha channel? #28

Closed Yomolotakowapo closed 6 years ago

Yomolotakowapo commented 6 years ago

Hello there!

Thank you so much for this incredible program! Really love it!. My problem is about getting alpha channel. I get always black screen.... Please I need your help!

Thank you very much!

Kagami commented 6 years ago

Hi. I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to create webm with alpha channel? Try to change yuv420p to yuva420p in raw args field then.

Yomolotakowapo commented 6 years ago

Kagami, I love you. Really I love this program and your help! Amazing. That´s right I have MY ALPHA CHANNEL !!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

Kagami commented 6 years ago

I'm glad it works :)