Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding kaginari/mongodb versions matching "0.1.7"...
│ Error: Failed to query available provider packages
│ Could not retrieve the list of available versions for provider kaginari/mongodb: no available releases match the given
│ constraints 0.1.7
If one removes the version constraint it installs 9.9.9:
Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding latest version of kaginari/mongodb...
- Installing kaginari/mongodb v9.9.9...
- Installed kaginari/mongodb v9.9.9 (unauthenticated)
According to the GitHub Releases and the Terraform registry the latest version is
, which should be used like this:This fails with:
If one removes the version constraint it installs
:Why does this happen, and could you fix it?