In attempting to estimate Torching and Crowning Indices using mean fuel estimates from MTRI ( using the firebehavioR package, we seem to be getting extremely high values for TI, and I think relatively high values fro CI.
This could be due to a variety of reasons:
Not estimating/updating height with each new diameter year when estimating canopy fuels
inappropriate estimates for a lot of the surface fuels...I am only including estimates for woody surface fuels from our plot data and making a naive assumption about what these fuels should be, assuming a "fuelModel" from the fuelModel data that comes with the package
I did update the values with what I could using the mean values for PIPO forests, woodlands, etc from MTRI, but not all surface fuel inputs were in MTRI.
other assumptions/arguments in the rothermal model could be the issue too.
This issue was fixed awhile back. The problem was where (what fuel pool) I was adding dead trees to, and that I was erroneously including the estimated biomass from FIA trees into woody biomass (surface pools).
In attempting to estimate Torching and Crowning Indices using mean fuel estimates from MTRI ( using the firebehavioR package, we seem to be getting extremely high values for TI, and I think relatively high values fro CI.
This could be due to a variety of reasons: