Converting AGB to aboveground carbon is done by assuming that the C fraction of AGB is 1/2. Some updated values might be found here: Martin, Adam R., Mahendra Doraisami, and Sean C. Thomas. “Global Patterns in Wood Carbon Concentration across the World’s Trees and Forests.” Nature Geoscience 11, no. 12 (December 2018): 915–20.
Specifically, median wood carbon fractions in table S2 could be used. These are all slightly less than 50% of AGB.
Converting AGB to aboveground carbon is done by assuming that the C fraction of AGB is 1/2. Some updated values might be found here: Martin, Adam R., Mahendra Doraisami, and Sean C. Thomas. “Global Patterns in Wood Carbon Concentration across the World’s Trees and Forests.” Nature Geoscience 11, no. 12 (December 2018): 915–20.
Specifically, median wood carbon fractions in table S2 could be used. These are all slightly less than 50% of AGB.