Kaharos94 / ComfyUI-Saveaswebp

Save a picture as Webp file in Comfy + Workflow loading
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Feature request: save as (webp or jpeg) #6

Open aniellod opened 11 months ago

aniellod commented 11 months ago

Add a feature allowing the image to be saved as either webp or jpeg. Reason: some image boards don't accept webp formats.

jkrauss82 commented 10 months ago

I have had the same requirement so I have created a fork/branch: https://github.com/jkrauss82/ComfyUI_SaveImgAdv

This repo's name is somewhat limited as it carries webp in its title. Thus I suggest to rename the node to SaveImgAdv to better reflect its more universal features.

My branch is very much a work in progress and has some additional features which might not be needed by many users (automatic1111 style prompt saving in metadata, model hash calculation for CivitAI). I plan to add switches to the node so those features are only optional (for now they are hard coded and buggy, see README in fork).

@Kaharos94 I am not sure how to go about this, maybe you can merge this and adapt the repo and node titles?

Kaharos94 commented 10 months ago

I'm not planning to expand this to jpeg or other formats, this was pretty much something I just tested out if I could get it to work and then got asked to put it public - @jkrauss82 if you're planning to fork it and adding more features feel free to do so. A naming change would be very annoying to do, especially in nodes because it messes with older workflows.