KaiHsiangHu / iNEXT.beta3D

iNterpolation and EXTrapolation with beta diversity for three dimensions of biodiversity
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How to calculate FD distance matrix from a list of values #6

Open Sebastian-Mynott opened 2 weeks ago

Sebastian-Mynott commented 2 weeks ago


I'm trying to reproduce the FD calculation using the Brazil data. However, when I try to calculate the distance matrix usingthe list data from Brazil_rainforests, i get the error x is not a dataframe or a numeric matrix. Could you please explain in some detail how the Brazil_distM distance matrix was produced?

Many thanks.

KaiHsiangHu commented 2 weeks ago

Dear @Sebastian-Mynott,

Thank you for your email. Can you please re-download iNEXT.beta3D from CRAN? (with version 1.0.2) Because I can run the examples in function iNEXTbeta3D with command "?iNEXTbeta3D" in my computer.

Another guess, please re-download iNEXT.3D from CRAN (with version 1.0.5).

Thanks again. Best regards