KaiOelfke / alumni-db-frontend

This will contain the software for the JA-YE Alumni Europe member database platform.
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Make file attachment upload work for event application forms #35

Open cangoektas opened 8 years ago

cangoektas commented 8 years ago

Exactly like in #27 we currently have a file upload for application forms which uses the image upload functions from the avatarFactory. Only this time it fails with the error:

failed: {"status":"error","errors":{"avatar":["Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: `identify /var/folders/7b/5xf3r9tn4n7_q8qgz0mtrzd40000gn/T/mini_magick20160612-5654-18ydhfn.pdf` failed with error:\n"],"full_messages":["Avatar Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: `identify /var/folders/7b/5xf3r9tn4n7_q8qgz0mtrzd40000gn/T/mini_magick20160612-5654-18ydhfn.pdf` failed with error:\n"]}}

Important files:

In order to test all this you need to

@ahmedissa hope you don't mind that I assigned you to this and #27