Kaiede / Bedrockifier

Command-line tools and Service for Minecraft Servers (Bedrock & Java)
MIT License
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[BUG] Problems with config.yml #89

Open Jorgeluisreis opened 2 months ago

Jorgeluisreis commented 2 months ago

When creating docker-compose with the bedrock server and the backup system, an error occurs regarding config.yml, in addition to not creating the backup folder.


    container_name: mundinho-docker
    image: itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      EULA: "TRUE"
      # Nome do mundo
      LEVEL_NAME: "Mundinho"

      # Nome do Server
      SERVER_NAME: "Mundinho"

      # Mensagem de Boas-vindas
      MOTD: "Bem vindos ao Mundinho!"

      # Máximo de Plauers
      MAX_PLAYERS: "4"

      # Seed
      LEVEL_SEED: "mundinho"

      # Senha do Servidor
      PASSWORD: "2024"

      # Habilitar Skins Personalizadas

      # Dificuldade do mundo
      DIFFICULTY: "normal"

      # Gamemode do mundo
      GAMEMODE: "0"  # Survival

      # Spawn de monstros
      SPAWN_MONSTERS: "true"  # Ativado

      # Spawn de animais
      SPAWN_ANIMALS: "true"  # Ativado

      # Spawn de NPCs
      SPAWN_NPCS: "false"  # Desativado

      # Blocos de comando
      COMMAND_BLOCK_ENABLED: "false"  # Desativado

      # Geração de estruturas
      LEVEL_TYPE: "default"

      #Distancia e Tick de Renderização
      VIEW_DISTANCE: "12"
      TICK_DISTANCE: "12"

      # Permitir que o jogador "Haalks" se junte ao jogo como operador
      OPS: "2535436030075026" #Haalks

      - ./servidor:/data #Dados do Servidor
      - "19132:19132/udp"

    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

    container_name: backup-mundinho
    image: kaiede/minecraft-bedrock-backup:latest
    restart: always
    - "mundinho-docker" # Server
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
       # Mapeando a pasta do Servidor
    - /.servidor:/server
        # Mapeando pasta de Backup
    - /.backup-mundinho:/backups
Kaiede commented 2 months ago

an error occurs regarding config.yml, in addition to not creating the backup folder.

Have you provided a config.yml in .backup-mundinho, and created the folder? Is .backup-mundinho supposed to be ./backup-mundinho? It looks like /.servidor is supposed to be ./servidor as well.

These are expected to be provided to the backup service in order for it to work. There are details on config.yml in the wiki: https://github.com/Kaiede/Bedrockifier/wiki#configuring-backup-service

EDIT: I also really strongly recommend not running the service as root, and if possible, using the new SSH support rather than giving the backup container access to docker.

Kaiede commented 1 month ago

Just pinging on this to see if you’d had a chance to try again with the above detail?