Kaiede / PlexPlaylistHost

Plugin to make PLEX music playlists available to UPnP/DLNA Clients.
MIT License
11 stars 3 forks source link

No files #9

Open okkebal opened 2 years ago

okkebal commented 2 years ago

Installed the plugin, I see the playlists in /Music Channels/Playlists.

But there are no files. Tried with VLC and PS4.

I can see the plugin in the plugins section. Also entered my token.

I use Plesk Server Version 4.69.1

This is the Console log:

Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.714 [0x7f08f7983b38] Debug — Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33514%2Fcomposite%2F1643377011&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 40842 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] Debug — Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK (5 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] Debug — Plug-in com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost has been used 24 times.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] Debug — [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] Debug — HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.750 [0x7f08f83bbb38] Debug — Request: [ (Allowed Network (Subnet))] GET /playlists/33512/items (6 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.791 [0x7f08f7983b38] Debug — Completed: [] 200 GET /playlists/33512/items (6 live) GZIP 40ms 6838 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.951 [0x7f08f8398b38] Debug — HTTP/1.1 (0.2s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.951 [0x7f08f8398b38] Debug — [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] HTTP reply status 200, with 36093 bytes of content.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.953 [0x7f08f79a6b38] Debug — Completed: [] 200 GET /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK (5 live) GZIP 213ms 3453 bytes (pipelined: 4)
Kaiede commented 2 years ago

We will need the DLNA server log as well to make sense of what might be going wrong. It’s clear that it’s not on the Plex server itself, but the DLNA side of things.

That said, this project has not been updated in a while, so I can’t make any promises of fixes here. As Plex has been trying to ignore this part of their code for a while, and it’s been a bear to try to do anything with the plugin and understand how Plex operates, I’ve not really had the ability to maintain this project to the quality that I’d like.

okkebal commented 2 years ago

Ok, I do wonder if it works for you on the latest version of Plex Server. What version are you using?

Here is some stuff from the DLNA log around the same time:

Jan 28, 2022 14:42:52.643 [0x7f6ba4ab5b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren returning success with 26 objects of 26 total
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.716 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren for '0' with filter '*' and sort '', paged as 0 + 5000
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.716 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: HOST:; CONTENT-LENGTH: 440; CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"; SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"; USER-AGENT: 6.2.9200 2/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.716 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped object 0 to  part 0 on server 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.716 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren returning success with 3 objects of 3 total
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.721 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.721 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.723 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.723 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.726 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.726 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.727 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.728 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.603 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren for 'abe6121c-1731-4683-815c-89e1dcd2bf11' with filter '*' and sort '', paged as 0 + 5000
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.603 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: HOST:; CONTENT-LENGTH: 475; CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"; SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"; USER-AGENT: 6.2.9200 2/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.603 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped object abe6121c-1731-4683-815c-89e1dcd2bf11 to  part 0 on server 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.603 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Downloading document
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.603 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.607 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.0s) 200 response from GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.607 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Caching document as f3cc106240ec3fe667118f1b066a645629119502
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.610 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren returning success with 8 objects of 8 total
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.648 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.648 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.650 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.650 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.654 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.654 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.656 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.656 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.687 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.687 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.689 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.689 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.694 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.694 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.696 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.696 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren for 'aca21a34-d277-4d9d-9602-687d89765172' with filter '*' and sort '', paged as 0 + 5000
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: HOST:; CONTENT-LENGTH: 475; CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"; SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"; USER-AGENT: 6.2.9200 2/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped object aca21a34-d277-4d9d-9602-687d89765172 to  part 0 on server 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Downloading document
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.588 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.0s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.589 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Caching document as afbe6f6b98d9ef686aee9fa159fcd0833a807fbc
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.590 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren returning success with 1 objects of 1 total
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.617 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.617 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.619 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.619 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.622 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.622 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.624 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.624 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren for '455a0682ad797dfce42f' with filter '*' and sort '', paged as 0 + 5000
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.585 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: HOST:; CONTENT-LENGTH: 459; CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"; SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"; USER-AGENT: 6.2.9200 2/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.586 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped object 455a0682ad797dfce42f to /music/playlisthost part 0 on server
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.586 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Downloading document
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.586 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.614 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.0s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.614 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Caching document as 7dad4cb002c8cc3712235d6cff86c9c2bec5687b
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.618 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren returning success with 3 objects of 3 total
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.641 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.641 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.642 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.642 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.650 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.650 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.651 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.651 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.677 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.677 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.679 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.679 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.682 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.682 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.683 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.683 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.707 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for : bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.708 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; Accept: */*; Accept-Language: en_US; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Range: bytes=0-
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.709 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.709 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 206
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.712 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - GET for
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.712 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: Host:; User-Agent: VLC/3.0.16 LibVLC/3.0.16; Icy-MetaData: 1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.713 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Proxied GET to HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.713 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Responding HTTP/1.1 200
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.739 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren for '85c6cc86465bae4ad050' with filter '*' and sort '', paged as 0 + 5000
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.739 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: HOST:; CONTENT-LENGTH: 459; CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"; SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"; USER-AGENT: 6.2.9200 2/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.739 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Mapped object 85c6cc86465bae4ad050 to /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK part 0 on server
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.739 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Downloading document
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.739 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.953 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.2s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.955 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Caching document as bb61b0f8d764a312d9194d6b4bc5eb507a7beba0
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.958 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.960 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.961 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.962 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Something Better: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Something Better: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Something Better: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Something Better: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Something Better: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.963 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.964 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Without a Warning: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Without a Warning: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Without a Warning: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Without a Warning: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Without a Warning: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.965 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Mesh remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Mesh remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Mesh remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Mesh remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Mesh remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.966 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.967 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.967 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.967 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon (We The North remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.967 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon (We The North remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.968 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon (We The North remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.968 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon (We The North remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.968 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Helgon (We The North remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.968 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying (Tolchock remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying (Tolchock remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying (Tolchock remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying (Tolchock remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Core Is Dying (Tolchock remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.969 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Blume remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Blume remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Blume remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Blume remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free (Blume remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.971 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Epiphany: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Epiphany: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Epiphany: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Epiphany: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Epiphany: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.973 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.975 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Not Your Soldier: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Not Your Soldier: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Not Your Soldier: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Not Your Soldier: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.976 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Not Your Soldier: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.977 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Come to Me: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Come to Me: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Come to Me: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Come to Me: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.978 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Come to Me: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.979 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.980 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.981 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.982 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Beauty in Me: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Beauty in Me: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Beauty in Me: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Beauty in Me: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Beauty in Me: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.983 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.985 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: In This World: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: In This World: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: In This World: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: In This World: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.989 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: In This World: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.990 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.991 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.993 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Favourite Place: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Favourite Place: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Favourite Place: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Favourite Place: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.994 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Favourite Place: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.995 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.996 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.997 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.997 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.997 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (extended remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.997 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (extended remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.997 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (extended remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.997 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (extended remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.998 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (extended remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.998 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Feat. Mark Hockings): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Feat. Mark Hockings): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Feat. Mark Hockings): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Feat. Mark Hockings): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Feat. Mark Hockings): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.999 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Feat. Xenturion Prime): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Feat. Xenturion Prime): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Feat. Xenturion Prime): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Feat. Xenturion Prime): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Feat. Xenturion Prime): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.000 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Synchronized (Feat. Xenturion Prime): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Synchronized (Feat. Xenturion Prime): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Synchronized (Feat. Xenturion Prime): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Synchronized (Feat. Xenturion Prime): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Synchronized (Feat. Xenturion Prime): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.001 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Nothing For You: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Nothing For You: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Nothing For You: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Nothing For You: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Nothing For You: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.002 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Detonate Remix By Richard Silverthorn): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Detonate Remix By Richard Silverthorn): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Detonate Remix By Richard Silverthorn): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Detonate Remix By Richard Silverthorn): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Detonate Remix By Richard Silverthorn): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.003 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Neonox Remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Neonox Remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Neonox Remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Neonox Remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Neonox Remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.004 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Head-Less Mix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Head-Less Mix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Head-Less Mix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Head-Less Mix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Head-Less Mix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.005 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Extended Remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Extended Remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Extended Remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Extended Remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Rebuild The Future (Extended Remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Extended Remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Extended Remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Extended Remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Extended Remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.006 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Hand Grenade (Extended Remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Oren Amram remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Oren Amram remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Oren Amram remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Oren Amram remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.007 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Oren Amram remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.008 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Charly Beck remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Charly Beck remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Charly Beck remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Charly Beck remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Charly Beck remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.009 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human (extended remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human (extended remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human (extended remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human (extended remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Only Human (extended remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.011 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Eric C Powell remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Eric C Powell remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Eric C Powell remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Eric C Powell remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.012 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Eric C Powell remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.013 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (bonus remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (bonus remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (bonus remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (bonus remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Evolve (bonus remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.014 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated (Obsession of Time remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated (Obsession of Time remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated (Obsession of Time remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated (Obsession of Time remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Suffocated (Obsession of Time remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.015 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Defiant Machines remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Defiant Machines remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Defiant Machines remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Defiant Machines remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Defiant Machines remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.016 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.017 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.017 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.017 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (RMP remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.018 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (RMP remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.018 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (RMP remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.018 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (RMP remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.018 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (RMP remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.018 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan (Croona remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan (Croona remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan (Croona remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan (Croona remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: A Greater Plan (Croona remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.019 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (The Real Dreamers remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (The Real Dreamers remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (The Real Dreamers remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (The Real Dreamers remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (The Real Dreamers remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.020 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Undecided remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Undecided remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Undecided remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Undecided remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.021 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Is That What You Want (Undecided remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.022 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.023 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Fast Forward: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Fast Forward: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Fast Forward: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Fast Forward: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Fast Forward: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.025 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Pushing Borders: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Pushing Borders: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Pushing Borders: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Pushing Borders: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Pushing Borders: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.027 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: I Was Wrong: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: I Was Wrong: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: I Was Wrong: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: I Was Wrong: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.028 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: I Was Wrong: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.029 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Ta Över Nu: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Ta Över Nu: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Ta Över Nu: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Ta Över Nu: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Ta Över Nu: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.030 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Vanguard remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Vanguard remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Vanguard remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Vanguard remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Vanguard remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.032 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.033 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Electro Spectre remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Electro Spectre remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Electro Spectre remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Electro Spectre remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Electro Spectre remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.034 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Caisaron remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Caisaron remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Caisaron remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Caisaron remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.035 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Caisaron remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.036 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Feat. Robert Enforsen) - Extended Remix: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Feat. Robert Enforsen) - Extended Remix: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Feat. Robert Enforsen) - Extended Remix: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Feat. Robert Enforsen) - Extended Remix: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Leaving Now (Feat. Robert Enforsen) - Extended Remix: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.037 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Last Goodbye: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Last Goodbye: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Last Goodbye: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Last Goodbye: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: The Last Goodbye: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.039 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.041 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing (Rob Dust remix): Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing (Rob Dust remix): container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing (Rob Dust remix): no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing (Rob Dust remix): codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.042 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: You Know Nothing (Rob Dust remix): selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.043 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Choice: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Choice: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Choice: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Choice: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: My Choice: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.044 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:17.047 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren returning success with 56 objects of 56 total
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.840 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - OnBrowseDirectChildren for '34ca69b5b22007ba407e' with filter '*' and sort '', paged as 0 + 5000
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.840 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - Mapped client to generic profile: HOST:; CONTENT-LENGTH: 459; CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"; SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"; USER-AGENT: 6.2.9200 2/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.19
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.841 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - Mapped object 34ca69b5b22007ba407e to /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMy9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM3CkdVTlNISVBzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ part 0 on server
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.841 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - Downloading document
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.841 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.919 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.1s) 200 response from GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.920 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - Caching document as 53e379a79b26fd129fcd390c8bc9ddfd42c3e13f
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: Woken Furies: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: Woken Furies: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: Woken Furies: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: Woken Furies: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] DEBUG - MDE: Woken Furies: selected media 0 / -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:45:47.922 [0x7f6ba4bccb38] WARN - Unable to determine file extension for container=
Kaiede commented 2 years ago

Ok, I do wonder if it works for you on the latest version of Plex Server. What version are you using?

I haven’t used this plugin with Plex in almost 18 months. It’s why I make no promises about a fix, because it’s not something I’ve used in over a year, and the last issue raised a year ago was a regression caused by Plex itself (but later fixed almost a month later).

I use other UPnP servers pointed at the Plex folder, and a command-line tool (Mac/Linux only) to dump out the playlists from Plex as m3u files for that UPnP Server, using Plex’s more stable REST API. I don’t make many changes to my playlists, so it’s worked out for me.

There’s an interesting bit that gets repeated in the log though:

Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.955 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - Caching document as bb61b0f8d764a312d9194d6b4bc5eb507a7beba0
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.958 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: received PLEX_PROTOCOL_ANY from client, but could not determine best protocol. Defaulting to HTTP
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: analyzing media item -1
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: Direct Playing due to no transcode profile
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: container is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: no direct play music profile exists for http//
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: codec is unavailable for analysis
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.959 [0x7f6ba4bd3b38] DEBUG - MDE: Break Free: selected media 0 / -1

It’s as if the details on the individual tracks isn’t getting accepted by the DLNA server component. The plugin does copy codec details when provided, but I’m not entirely sure why the service is behaving this way. Or why it broke. It also complains about being unable to determine file extension for the container (which I assume is the playlist) here. But it seems clear that the plugin itself isn’t hitting any errors, and is creating the playlist for the DLNA server to use, it just isn’t accepting it.

Make me wonder if this change is maybe related, but I don’t really have great means of determining if that’s true or not: https://github.com/Kaiede/PlexPlaylistHost/commit/e906172a14bbde41860b171125682461034d0fd3

But there’s also the debug logging from the plugin itself which doesn’t appear to be in either of these files, which means it lives somewhere else. It’s been a while so I had to look at one of the other issues from a while ago, but there should also be a “com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost.log” log file. Not sure if that will add anything new or useful here.

okkebal commented 2 years ago

I have these files in my archive:

Plex Crash Uploader.1.log
Plex Crash Uploader.log
Plex DLNA Server.1.log
Plex DLNA Server.2.log
Plex DLNA Server.3.log
Plex DLNA Server.4.log
Plex DLNA Server.5.log
Plex DLNA Server.log
Plex Media Scanner Analysis.1.log
Plex Media Scanner Analysis.2.log
Plex Media Scanner Analysis.3.log
Plex Media Scanner Analysis.4.log
Plex Media Scanner Analysis.5.log
Plex Media Scanner Analysis.log
Plex Media Scanner Chapter Thumbnails.1.log
Plex Media Scanner Chapter Thumbnails.2.log
Plex Media Scanner Chapter Thumbnails.3.log
Plex Media Scanner Chapter Thumbnails.log
Plex Media Scanner Deep Analysis.1.log
Plex Media Scanner Deep Analysis.2.log
Plex Media Scanner Deep Analysis.3.log
Plex Media Scanner Deep Analysis.4.log
Plex Media Scanner Deep Analysis.5.log
Plex Media Scanner Deep Analysis.log
Plex Media Scanner Matcher.1.log
Plex Media Scanner Matcher.2.log
Plex Media Scanner Matcher.3.log
Plex Media Scanner Matcher.4.log
Plex Media Scanner Matcher.5.log
Plex Media Scanner Matcher.log
Plex Media Server.1.log
Plex Media Server.2.log
Plex Media Server.3.log
Plex Media Server.4.log
Plex Media Server.5.log
Plex Media Server.log
Plex Tuner Service.1.log
Plex Tuner Service.2.log
Plex Tuner Service.3.log
Plex Tuner Service.4.log
Plex Tuner Service.5.log
Plex Tuner Service.log
okkebal commented 2 years ago

Well, thers is the DLNA server log and this one: the "Plex Media Server.log" wich has this:

Jan 28, 2022 14:42:52.593 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.1s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:42:52.593 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] HTTP reply status 200, with 16983 bytes of content.
Jan 28, 2022 14:42:52.595 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxNC9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM4CmRpdmVyc2VuczUKdGl0bGVyMAo_ (7 live) GZIP 125ms 2680 bytes (pipelined: 1)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:00.643 [0x7f08f6e1ab38] DEBUG - player dcmeshq63r6q40uym7g72pm4 was last refreshed 40 seconds ago
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:00.643 [0x7f08f6e1ab38] DEBUG - player dcmeshq63r6q40uym7g72pm4 was not refreshed for over 30 seconds, dropping it.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.722 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=png&height=260&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fdlna-icon-260%2Epng&width=260 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.722 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.722 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/a1/a145abbb1d17c835232a38a0929328259b7df774.png is 32624 (of total: 32624).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.722 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=png&height=260&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fdlna-icon-260%2Epng&width=260 (5 live) 0ms 32624 bytes (pipelined: 1) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.727 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=png&height=260&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fdlna-icon-260%2Epng&width=260 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.727 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.727 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/a1/a145abbb1d17c835232a38a0929328259b7df774.png is 32624 (of total: 32624).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:07.727 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=png&height=260&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fdlna-icon-260%2Epng&width=260 (6 live) 0ms 32624 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.604 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /library/sections (5 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.607 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /library/sections (5 live) GZIP 2ms 896 bytes (pipelined: 1)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.649 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.649 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.649 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/9e/9e9b4c89f5b6f0ed92115bdeeeafb673c358857b.jpg is 12607 (of total: 12607).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.650 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (5 live) 0ms 12607 bytes (pipelined: 2) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.655 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.655 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.655 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/9e/9e9b4c89f5b6f0ed92115bdeeeafb673c358857b.jpg is 12607 (of total: 12607).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.656 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 12607 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.687 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.688 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.688 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/9e/9e9b4c89f5b6f0ed92115bdeeeafb673c358857b.jpg is 12607 (of total: 12607).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.688 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (5 live) 0ms 12607 bytes (pipelined: 3) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.695 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.695 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.695 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/9e/9e9b4c89f5b6f0ed92115bdeeeafb673c358857b.jpg is 12607 (of total: 12607).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:12.696 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fresources%2Fartist%2Epng&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 12607 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.586 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /channels/recentlyViewed (5 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.588 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /channels/recentlyViewed (5 live) GZIP 2ms 615 bytes (pipelined: 2)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.618 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fplugins%2Fcom%2Eplexapp%2Eplugins%2Eplaylisthost%2Fresources%2Ficon-default%2Epng%3Ft%3D1612565161&width=512 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.618 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.618 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/25/250943aba44cb494ddcf5419d4d522c8c566dffb.jpg is 5573 (of total: 5573).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.619 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fplugins%2Fcom%2Eplexapp%2Eplugins%2Eplaylisthost%2Fresources%2Ficon-default%2Epng%3Ft%3D1612565161&width=512 (5 live) 1ms 5573 bytes (pipelined: 4) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.623 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fplugins%2Fcom%2Eplexapp%2Eplugins%2Eplaylisthost%2Fresources%2Ficon-default%2Epng%3Ft%3D1612565161&width=512 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.623 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.623 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/25/250943aba44cb494ddcf5419d4d522c8c566dffb.jpg is 5573 (of total: 5573).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:14.624 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2F%3A%2Fplugins%2Fcom%2Eplexapp%2Eplugins%2Eplaylisthost%2Fresources%2Ficon-default%2Epng%3Ft%3D1612565161&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 5573 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.587 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /music/playlisthost (5 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.587 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Plug-in com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost has been used 23 times.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.587 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /music/playlisthost
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.587 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.600 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Allowed Network (Subnet))] GET /playlists (6 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.604 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /playlists (6 live) GZIP 4ms 744 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.613 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.0s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.613 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] HTTP reply status 200, with 1277 bytes of content.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.613 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /music/playlisthost (5 live) GZIP 26ms 1015 bytes (pipelined: 3)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.641 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33513%2Fcomposite%2F1643372595&width=512 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.642 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.642 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/d0/d0e64774f76d6f2a4e87d880d1eb954bc2139fc1.jpg is 44156 (of total: 44156).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.642 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33513%2Fcomposite%2F1643372595&width=512 (5 live) 1ms 44156 bytes (pipelined: 5) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.651 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33513%2Fcomposite%2F1643372595&width=512 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.651 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.651 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/d0/d0e64774f76d6f2a4e87d880d1eb954bc2139fc1.jpg is 44156 (of total: 44156).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.652 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33513%2Fcomposite%2F1643372595&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 44156 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.678 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33512%2Fcomposite%2F1643372549&width=512 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.678 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.678 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/a5/a592c57cb6d213844b5d4b89ea513164eb7cac5c.jpg is 38707 (of total: 38707).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.678 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33512%2Fcomposite%2F1643372549&width=512 (5 live) 0ms 38707 bytes (pipelined: 6) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.683 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33512%2Fcomposite%2F1643372549&width=512 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.683 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.683 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/a5/a592c57cb6d213844b5d4b89ea513164eb7cac5c.jpg is 38707 (of total: 38707).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.684 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33512%2Fcomposite%2F1643372549&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 38707 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.708 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33514%2Fcomposite%2F1643377011&width=512 (5 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.708 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.709 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/a7/a7dab3599f7aebedfd2d8590fbdf70999ccda19f.jpg is 40842 (of total: 40842).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.709 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 206 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33514%2Fcomposite%2F1643377011&width=512 (5 live) 1ms 40842 bytes (pipelined: 7) (range: bytes=0-) 
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.713 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33514%2Fcomposite%2F1643377011&width=512 (6 live) Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.713 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Photo transcoder: Request for url [] (is local: 1 upscaled: 0)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.713 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Content-Length of /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/a7/a7dab3599f7aebedfd2d8590fbdf70999ccda19f.jpg is 40842 (of total: 40842).
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:15.714 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /photo/:/transcode?format=jpg&height=512&url=http%3A%2F%2F127%2E0%2E0%2E1%3A32400%2Fplaylists%2F33514%2Fcomposite%2F1643377011&width=512 (6 live) 0ms 40842 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Loopback)] GET /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK (5 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - Plug-in com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost has been used 24 times.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] Sending command over HTTP (GET): /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.740 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - HTTP requesting GET
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.750 [0x7f08f83bbb38] DEBUG - Request: [ (Allowed Network (Subnet))] GET /playlists/33512/items (6 live) GZIP Signed-in Token (mennovanderhurk)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.791 [0x7f08f7983b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /playlists/33512/items (6 live) GZIP 40ms 6838 bytes
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.951 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - HTTP/1.1 (0.2s) 200 response from GET (reused)
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.951 [0x7f08f8398b38] DEBUG - [com.plexapp.plugins.playlisthost] HTTP reply status 200, with 36093 bytes of content.
Jan 28, 2022 14:43:16.953 [0x7f08f79a6b38] DEBUG - Completed: [] 200 GET /music/playlisthost/:/function/PlaylistMenu?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMgpzMjIKL3BsYXlsaXN0cy8zMzUxMi9pdGVtc3MzCmtleXM5ClVuY3JlYXRlZHM1CnRpdGxlcjAK (5 live) GZIP 213ms 3453 bytes (pipelined: 4)
okkebal commented 2 years ago

I reverted this: e906172

But the problem remains. Still the same behaviour.

technikly commented 2 years ago

I believe that the way plex uses tokens has changed. Every restart/ every x hours old tokens need updating. Updating the token fixes it for me, but temporarily.