KaihuaTang / Scene-Graph-Benchmark.pytorch

A new codebase for popular Scene Graph Generation methods (2020). Visualization & Scene Graph Extraction on custom images/datasets are provided. It's also a PyTorch implementation of paper “Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training CVPR 2020”
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Probable bug in image retrieval code #64

Closed mods333 closed 3 years ago

mods333 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I was trying to use the code for the image retrieval task. The code in 'dataloader.pyand 'preprocessing.py seem to be somewhat inconsistent. In dataloader.py there is _generate_tensor_by_idx that looks for 'image_graph and 'text_graph key in the img_txt_sg variable image

However in the preprocessing code the output dictionary created had only two keys img and txt image

I was wondering if there is something missing in the code or if I am doing something wrong.

KaihuaTang commented 3 years ago

sorry, my fault. I think 'image_graph' and 'test_graph' keys have been discarded, which means the following 4 lines can be removed from dataloader.py


mods333 commented 3 years ago

@KaihuaTang I think those lines are required as in the scene graph encoding model (modelv2.py), the graph is used as attention weights. image

From the code and the paper, what I understand is that the image_graph corresponds to the following equation in the paper. image

I can add some code to compute the image_graph during preprocessing but I am not sure how the text_graph is to be generated

KaihuaTang commented 3 years ago

text_graph should be implemented the same as image_gaph. I didn't differentiate them in structure except for the vocabulary. sorry that I lost this part of codes. preprocessing.py was merged from several independent jupyter notes. I think I forgot to paste some functions.

mods333 commented 3 years ago

I will try to figure out the missing part. Thanks for the help. Also thanks a lot for sharing this repository. Amazing work!

cws7777 commented 3 years ago

@mods333 Have you figured out the missing part? because I'm kinda lost.. Thanks! :)