Kaijun / Acer-V5-573G-Hackintosh

:apple: All my hackintosh stuffs of Acer V5-573G
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Yosemite compatibility #9

Closed Majkwin closed 8 years ago

Majkwin commented 10 years ago

Hi I'll be glad to hear some opinions from using Yosemite on 573G. Is there any additional issues comparing Mavericks? What about Continuity function? Is it working and is bluetooth needed?

I'm gonna try it after official release, but maybe someone has beta alredy?

Kaijun commented 9 years ago


it has been already about one yeah since i modified this shit. i'm not pretty sure:

Open package:


Majkwin commented 9 years ago

Has someone updated to 10.10.2 today? I have some serious graphical lags and I wonder if is it something unusual or maybe update damaged our hackintosh machine... No transparency, very low FPS, only 7MB dedicated graphical RAM in 'about this mac' section and no brightness control.

Majkwin commented 9 years ago

Already found a solution. 10.10.2 disables native hd4400 mobile support. In order to reenable internal graphics You need to:

  1. Install (the newest) FakePCIID and FakePCIID_HD4600_HD4400 https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/os-x-fake-pci-id/downloads
  2. Change config.plist (you can do it via textedit app - just double click). !!! FIND AND REPLACE "intelGFX" and "ig-platform-id"

@Kaijun , please update main instructions ;)

Kaijun commented 9 years ago

@Majkwin thanks a lot for your solution!!! it works like a charm now!!! you could also reference your comment in your own instruction :) good job :+1:

Majkwin commented 9 years ago

With this mod we don't need to patch OpenCl anymore. Preview.app and everything else works just fine :)

Majkwin commented 9 years ago

@Kaijun , if You have 10.10.2 and You didn't run OpenCl patch, could you upload this file for me?


notly commented 9 years ago

thanks for the work!! dude,

a8vam commented 9 years ago

Hi, I managed to install Yosemite 10.10.2 and almost everything works and did Majkwin's FakePCIID trick to repair to graphics lag but now the screen's flickering a lot, do you know a way to fix this?

striimer commented 9 years ago

Trying compile own DSDT-SSDT's for V5-573G and can't figure out how to properly disable Nvidia. Tried cleanup and wak/pts paches from Rehabman repo, didn't work. Can you upload your Geoforce disable patches, for DSDT and SSDT. Thanks in advance.

Kaijun commented 9 years ago

@striimer i just assume that you already have basic knowledges of DSDT/SSDT, and you also already have cleaned up the DSDT/SSDT by using iasl:

External (_SB_.PCI0.RP05.PEGP._OFF, MethodObj)
External (_SB_.PCI0.RP05.PEGP._ON_, MethodObj)
        Return (Package (0x02)

you can also have a look at my modified DSDT.dsl here you could compare with yours.

Kaijun commented 9 years ago


but i would say just disabling Nvidia is still far away to make the whole DSDT/SSDT work... there are still lot of things to be done. if you are interested i could probably write a brief guide later, about how i deal with my DSDT/SSDT...

striimer commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply, i have very limited skills about patching, like simple disassembly and using ready txt type patches. Guide sounds good, as probably someone else V5-573g owner also may want have system optimizing to get out maximum performance. Yes, agree that there is many other patches to use correcting the raw disassembled tables. More-or-less survived with other things, power management, sound, graphic platform and so on (followed also your readme) , now stuck with brightness things, which not working correctly without Geoforce disable. By the way inspected your uploaded files, also Clover config. Seems you are using most common platform 0x0a260006, i have small glitches with it (1080p), i'm using 0x0a2e0008, which grants clean view with acceleration, without using additional patches, just Clover platform inject. Also using Clover id inject instead patching DSDT for ALC282, then you can more easy use different layout appleHDA versions without patching DSDT.

Kaijun commented 9 years ago

@striimer actually i'm always patching the DSDT/SSDT manually because Clover's patches are not really reliable sometimes... i haven't updated Clover for a long time so i don't know if it's becoming far more stable. i just name some points that we should modify:

striimer commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I think i patched all those parches you mentioned. I believe my dsdt is already very close start Nvidia OFF, at least your PEG device containing ssdt works together with my dsdt (borrowed yours ssdt-1), Nviadia is disabled. But something missing in my own ssdt, when i'm using own, Nvidia not disabled. I zipped my modded dsl's, can you take look as expert. Long file names describing fixes which done, also with order number came from linux, not renamed yet as ssdt-1, ssdt-2 and so on. As the site do not support zip upload here, i changed file extension to jpg, just reanme it back to zip. dsdt_ssdt

Kaijun commented 9 years ago

@striimer ok, would be better if you also provide your raw DSDT/SSDTs. and it's already a little bit late today, i would have a look at it tomorrow.

striimer commented 9 years ago

Thanks in advance. Attached native *.aml's from linux and iasl disassembled dsl's. Rename jpg to zip before unzipping. Let's comeback tomorrow. Have a nice sleep. tables

striimer commented 9 years ago

Forgot mention, running bios ver.2.30

Kaijun commented 9 years ago

@striimer what! 2.30 is already released? Thanks for your info... time to update the new bios and make a new DSDT :+1:

Kaijun commented 9 years ago


Sorry for the late reply.

i just had a look at your DSDT but didn't find anything special... i also have no idea why it doesn't work. but i noticed that the order of your SSDTs are a little bit different with mine.

Is it the original order? in my case, the SSDT of Geforce graphic card should be at first. but i'm also not pretty sure if it's the problem. or maybe something has been changed with the new 2.30 Bios.

I should have a look at the new 2.30 Bios when i have time.

striimer commented 9 years ago

Yes that's the original order of files i've got from linux. It's good if you gonna compile new patched tables, i can also try your version of ssdt's, as most of hardwares are same. Mostly DSDT may vary, few differences like wireless, i have BCM94352HMB, instead your 943228 chip and graphics. I have Geoforce GT750M, what's your Nvidia version ? did read from forums that V5-573G done even with GTX850M cards. Also when you compile new tables with bios 2.30, you'll see do you have same previous ssdt order or like i have. Attached pci and usb devices list of my V5-573G. Just remove extension jpg, it's simple text file. Waiting curiously your tables version. Wish success. v5_573g_devices