KailelleXD / Battle-Tactics

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Create Wiki page for user issues/stories #253

Open KailelleXD opened 5 years ago

KailelleXD commented 5 years ago

Choose Map Screen - Left Right indicators so the user knows there's more maps to choose from. Allow for reverse movement through map options. Match the style of the deployment screen.

Choose Faction Screen - Only Styling Needed

Choose Deployment screen - terrain pieces to place inbetween deployment overlay and map. State is set when deployment map is swiped to.

KailelleXD commented 5 years ago

Notes on other screens, not needed for current sprint!

Choose Unit Screen - Load units Async issues. View Units functionality. multiple of the same unit functionality

Place Units Screen - (Not done) Needs deployment overlay back and next button to start game. Need to animated player 2 units to separate location from player 1. Create Panel for units to have players place units.