Kaimaoge / IGNNK

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Setting sigma for adjacency matrix #1

Closed yjhong89 closed 4 years ago

yjhong89 commented 4 years ago

Hello. I am YJ Hong.

In appendix material in IGNNK paper, there are different sigma settings for different datasets respectively when constructing corresponding adjacency matrix.

Can you let me know how you set sigma ?

For example of NREL dataset, sigma for adjacency matrix is set to 7.5km and I cannot figure out why this value came out.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, YJ Hong.

Kaimaoge commented 4 years ago

Hi, sigma is set according to the variance of the distances between each node. So sigmas for different datasets are different.

yjhong89 commented 4 years ago

@Kaimaoge Thanks for your answer. BTW, there are thresholds for adjacency matrix for each dataset, how you set them ? (maybe measure degree fore each node...?)


Regards, YJ Hong

Kaimaoge commented 4 years ago


Thanks for your answer.

BTW, there are thresholds for adjacency matrix for each dataset, how you set them ? (maybe measure degree fore each node...?)


Regards, YJ Hong

For METR-LA and PEMS-Bay, thresholds are 0.1. We set it according to the original paper using those two. We didn't use thresholds for other datasets.

yjhong89 commented 4 years ago

@Kaimaoge Thanks!